

Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
i am middlesbrough on my first season and i have just bought oscar cardozo and he was 8.3 mill and i had 12.5mill does anybody know any good players that will do me for the rest of the season......thanks !!! :D
You need a goalkeeper really. Erm Ustari isn't too expensive and can be pretty decent. If I was you I would sell a few players (Riggott, Bates, Taylor, Turnbull, Emnes?, Aliadiere and Alves as you can get better).

Grounds is a good LB but so is Pogatetz. Huth and Wheater in the middle. I would reccommend getting a RB, can't think who. If you can find noone stick with Hoyte.

Downing on the LW, Johnson is good cover but Rasack(sp) Traore is also decent and cheap.

Adrien isn't too expensive from Sporting, also if you can try get Balotelli from Inter on loan.
ok thanks for the great help redders if you can think of anybody else then will please let me know thanks!!!
I signed Davide Santon at the start of my second season. He is a quality RB/RWB.

Like Redders said Ustari is a quality GK. But if you can't afford him just yet I recommend Giorgi Makaridze. You can pick him up for under £200k.

Also try for Landon Donovan. I got him on a free in January and he was my best player by miles.
my scouts say that Giorgi Makaridze is worse than ross turnbull and i only have 3.9 million so is there any other recommendations andi cant sell turnbull, bates and taylor !!
If you need a cheap left winer then Helder Barbosa might be worth looking at.
i am ok for left wingers i have got downing but i may sell him if someone comes in for him (alot of money)
Johnson is also a top LW.

Sell Bates asap, he is not premiership standard and not nearly as good as Huth/Wheater/Poggy and probably Riggott.

Taylor isnt as good as Grounds will be so he is disposable.

Sean that keeper you mentioned didn't get a wp for me in the third season! rubbish.
i have done everything you have said redders and so far it is working.

i am amazed that inter sold balotelli to me and he accpeted my contract he is playing great...it is the end of the transfer window now...thanks guys who made replies you have been a great hand for me!!!
i am doing absouloutly **** at the moment i am 18th and i am using steau bucarest's tactics they dont seem to be working for me what tactics would u recommend for me...sean i saw that u wer middlesbrough on the december goal of the month...what tactic did u use and can u put it on the site so i can download it and use PLEASE thanks!!
Look, buy Rafinha from Schalke 04, he is a good right-back. Also buy Matías Fernández and Zdravko Kuzmanovic for the middle!
i also would like your opinion on oscar cardozo because he has played 16 games and scored only 1 goal and 0 assits.....are there certain tactics that i should use for him or does he need time what do you think ???? thanks
i also would like your opinion on oscar cardozo because he has played 16 games and scored only 1 goal and 0 assits.....are there certain tactics that i should use for him or does he need time what do you think ???? thanks

Well he's a slow, tall & strong player. Make sure he has plenty of support around him to play off.
Thanks for the tactic Sean! I used this with my boro team, only two matches in but beat Bolton 1-0 at home and Man Utd 2-1 away with this team:

I got Hulk on loan for 6 months, he scored a beauty on his debut. He may be replaced by Alves but he's injured for 4-5 months and Santon might replace O'Neil who is on international duties. I'm looking to bring a midfielder in on loan for more back up, I only have £1.58m left but I'm 30k under my wage budget, any suggestions?
im boro on the 9.3 patch and have 3.5 mil to spend any suggestions?