milevskyi,berbatov,owen,dzeko,owen,rooney, which one

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Nov 10, 2009
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i have milevskyi, ronney, owen dzeko, and berbatov and want to sell one or two but am not sure which one, they all performed about the same last season but i think they could perform better if they got more games. Not to mention macheda and wellbeck refuse to go out on loan. which one should i sell any help would be usefull

then release him. They bought him for free sell him for free
good point, done deal should av thought about that sooner, however i still want to sell one of the othes to make room for th youngsters to get a game now and again
sell berbatov he is class but u can get a fat chunk of cash for him
I would sell Owen and Berbatov but to be honest you should of sold a couple before you bought the others
i would keep all of the above (ST best years are from 29-32 or so) and what i do when i have younger players that will become class players and wont get much of a chance to develop is i sell them out for like half their price say Macheda and put a clause in the contract that you can offer that exact same amount anytime and they will have to accept it! then chose which team you think he will get most 1st team games for and best develop him for a year or 2 then buy him back when Owen and Berbatov of are alot older and you will have a brilliant ST for 1.5 million or whatever you sold him as.

give it a try, this works well for me, but just keep an eye on him though with other clubs, as if he gets sold, your deal gets terminated.

hope this helps
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