Monstrous 4-2-3-1 Plug & Play

Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Monstrous Plug & Play System

This tactic is better ------>>>


Tactic has preset OI(Opposition Instructions) built into it so make sure you don't ask your Assistant Manager to set OI for you.

Download filters for all positions -

Few tips how to use filters(Under spoiler).
At first make sure you have good scouting knowledge for major football nations.

I would recommend you have full scouting knowledge for these nations: Spain, Portugal, England, Italy, Germany, France, Holland, Brazil.

In case you find it hard to find players through filters here's what you can do there's an option "easy match conditions" in filters menu and you can "easy" match conditions by 1 condition in most cases it will double pool of player you can chose from but always pay attention what parameter is missing and for how much. I would recommend have it no more than 1-2 points away.

This way you can also find young talents for your team.


Here're 2 version and you should use one of them depend on opposition's midfield configuration. In *A* version your AMC manual mark opposition player who play on MCR position and *B* version doesn't have manual marking:

1) A VERSION - TFF_(_A_)_4-2-3-1_Plug&Play_V18.tac
2) B VERSION - TFF_(_B_)_4-2-3-1_Plug&Play_V18.tac

Use *A* version if you see opposition is using these type of midfield configuration:




Use this version in order to protect your lead and kill the game.

Of course it doesn't mean that you should use it immediately after you get 1 goal lead. If you start using it too early it could backfire you. I would recommend start thinking about using it after 65-75 min of the match or when you have 2 goals lead.

Download A version - TFF_(_A_)_(Waste_Time)_Plug&Play_V1.tac
Download B version - TFF_(_B_)_(Waste_Time)_Plug&Play_V1.tac


Guys, first of all I want to say that UNREAL system is stronger than this but I deiced to share the best I've managed to get from looking formation.;) The only advantages I see it has over UNREAL:

1) It's plug & play. You can use it with any club without rebuilding and transfers.
2) There's about 90% guaranty that if you use it with TOP 3 clubs in the league you win it.
3) In case if you are mid or small club there's almost guaranty you'll be overachieve.

IMPORTANT 1: AML should be right footed or have at least "Fairly Strong" rating for the right foot and AMR should be left footed or have at least "Fairly Strong" rating for the left foot.

IMPORTANT 2: If someone of your players has "Shoots From Distance" PPM then add "Shoot Less Often" PI to him.

IMPORTANT 3: If opposition changed tactic during the match you need go to tactic menu and set your AMC manual mark MCR position(simple changing tactic WON'T work you should do it manually) and you should do the same if player who played on MCR position has been substituted.

IMPORTANT 4: It isn't necessary to have 2 versions in tactic slots, you can simple add them from "Archived Tactic" when the match begins.

**How can you check that everything work correct? Your AMC should mark opposition player who play on MCR position**

**If you don't understand what is all about and don't want bother yourself by tracking opposition tactic and subs during the match then I strongly suggest you use basic version without manual marking because if you mess up something then your defensive will play very inefficient**
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You should delve more into the more familiar setups!! will try this with the brand new LFC update and Porto <3
So what do u do when they counter ?

The wibe and your creation doesnt have holding midfielder neither...they are both ball winning midfielder, they dont hold position. And it works fine, although i prefer 1 creative holding mid and 1 dynamic/aggresive mid.
i see a defensive midfielder in the DM position in the screenshot

isn't that a holding mid? lol
The wibe and your creation doesnt have holding midfielder neither...they are both ball winning midfielder, they dont hold position. And it works fine, although i prefer 1 creative holding mid and 1 dynamic/aggresive mid.
Nah , :P I never use 2 BWM , I usually use 1 BWM ( D )and 1 BBM
Nah , :P I never use 2 BWM , I usually use 1 BWM ( D )and 1 BBM

Lol...same ****. Both are pressing high as far as i know.

Holding midfielders in CM position are deeplying playmaker and central midfielder, in DMC are anchor, half back and defensive midfielder. Box to box is a runner, not a sitter.
as i just said before he has a DM in the DM position

why are you guys talking as if that player isn't there?
Lol...same ****. Both are pressing high as far as i know.

Holding midfielders in CM position are deeplying playmaker and central midfielder, in DMC are anchor, half back and defensive midfielder. Box to box is a runner, not a sitter.
I thought BWM ( D ) Will hold his position in front of D-Line
are you guys not able to see what i'm posting

he has a DM in the DM position on support

why are you talking as if he doesn't
TFF do you think this tactic is better than Pure Insanity?
ive used this tactic with a good team, and have won 6-0, 7-0, 4-0 first 3 games.
TFF I think defensively you have built the best tactic in your UNREAL series, would you consider making a strong defensive tactic with a "normal" formation, with wingers and such!
Team Southampton. 2nd seosan. Version 14.3. Transfer Budget 22 M.

Team 11:

Jay Rodriguez

Can I get reviews?

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Hehe))) My Real Madrid definitely likes this tactic :)


Also you ever though of making this tactic into a set? I am using it with Watford first season, some games not giving up any CCCs otheres giving up 5 ha