Most Amount of Debt


Mar 28, 2010
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I was wondering how much debt that people have managed to get a club in. I started off with Birmingham and have somehow got them 60 million in debt, due to Carson Young taking out two 30mil gift loans and a 70mil loan for a new stadium. Yet he still gives me 72mil to spend

( i used Mr houghs Tactics and am in 2016 and challenge for pretty much all the cups this is why i got so much money)
Thats a **** lot of debt mate

You do well to get rid off it
Its annoying because i got a 72mil transfer budget and i want to use that to pay off the debt but i can't.
dont spend it and your club will keep it
Just done that.
Still not really helping my bank balance it is now 18mil, its gone down 2mil since last time. All i got now is a 2mil week wage limit im currently spending about 900,000 and 36mil to spend. God knows where the board have put the money
im playing a network world super league as liverpool, lot of money about. for winning league 1st season i got £1billion, and came runner up in cup so earned a pot of £1.6billion in first season! ..... BUT at end of season the board take out over £700mil to put in a safety account, and then i had to pay £400mil to shareholders, about £130 on signings and due to liverpools debt and the massive amount of tax i have to pay monthly becuase of earning this money (losing £45mil EVERY month) im halfway through 2nd season and ive got £280mil left.... and im still paying £45mil a month so its actually still decreasing oO)
Just done that.
Still not really helping my bank balance it is now 18mil, its gone down 2mil since last time. All i got now is a 2mil week wage limit im currently spending about 900,000 and 36mil to spend. God knows where the board have put the money

It's at the end of the season, I think. The extra money gets put into the next year's budget.
The transfer budget you are given is the amount the club are willing to let you spend! It is not separate from your bank balance at all, I suggest you offload some players for more money and a lower wage bill.
im in the same situation at spurs its annoying im in 50 million debt due to buyin players over 48 months but daniel levy not pumping anymore money in too get rid of debt
I can't understand how you got a club in so much debt without thinking. Wait! Stop! I need to calm down the spending. :S
Its all Carson's fault all i did was spend the transfer money he gave me then he starts giving me Gift loans to pay back. I had a 72mil transfer budget then he takes out a 71mil loan for a new stadium. What a muppet and this is all my players
you don't need wheater,rodwell and addison so you should sell one of them, and i'd sell all your backup keeper's if i was you because in fm you almost never seem to need them. and sell the dude from your youth team that's worth 1.4 million, and possibly the other ones that are worth more then £500K. if you do this then you will get a keeper who is greyed out as your reserve keeper and he should be just as skilled at sitting on the bench as a big name keeper.
You need to sell almost everyone of value to bring in bargain options to replace them because you are shedding money.