Most Hated Fans

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I know people will be like blah blah blah because I'm a Notts fan but Forest fans get right on my wick. The main thing that gets to me is the fact that they think they're a big club because they were good 30 years ago, they just refuse to acknowledge that they are now just another Championship and they have no God-given right to be in the Premiership, always going on about how they won the European Cup, I know this is a big part of their history but come on, it was 30 years ago, stop going on about it and tell us what your teams been up to in the past couple of years, you don't see Notts fans rambing on about how we won the FA Cup in 1894! Come on Forest fans give us a ****** break.

Yes, but we are a big club, we are 19th in the all time league tables, so are Notts county, they are 15th! Just because we've both fallen on hard times recently doesn't mean we aren't big clubs, you can't say teams like Leeds, Southampton, Norwich, Sheff Wed. etc. aren't big clubs just because they aren't in the premiership!
In terms of winning the two European cups, only a handful of teams have ever done that, so of course we are going to talk about it, they are the defining moments in the club's history, you don't see forest fans talking about how we won the FA Cup in 1959 or 1898, not that we don't appreciate it, but there have been plenty more winners of the FA Cup than the European Cup!
Newcastle fans - Standard really not hate them uncontroallbly got ffew mates who are geordies but when it comes to Derby Day friendships are out the window and the word hate is perfect for my feelings towards them on the 31st of October this year

Leeds fans - As stated above I just do not like them as a fanbase or team. They think they are still a massive club but while they are well supported they are a big fish in a small pond in regards to Yorkshire as not many other 'big' teams about round that area.
I guess you are talking about the past, where you used to eat titles, with Eusebio !

We still have more titles than you. Speak about Salazar? I speak about Pinto da Costa. Porto consists of thugs, traitors, and cheaters. Stealing rival team's talents should not even be an option for y'all, but, still, it seems to be your hobby.
the size of a club is judged on the success of the club. history is judged on events for example, hillsborough, the munchen plane crash.. what have chelsea had happen? im not slagging you off personally, i just dont see where the history comes from? if you can prove me wrong then i shall take it all back.

our history was our first season ever right up till last season its all history its in the past. not every club wins trophies so should they not have history. i can understand if you said chelsea have a flag saying proud of our early success because their was none but their is 105 years of history at chelsea.
our history was our first season ever right up till last season its all history its in the past. not every club wins trophies so should they not have history. i can understand if you said chelsea have a flag saying proud of our early success because their was none but their is 105 years of history at chelsea.
Well technically every past second is history..., don't get techinical, boy!;)
This is gonna get ugly, me thinks
Most people are just going to say their rivals.

or Chelsea.

Either way, this is going to turn into a massive cryfest.
this is an already controversial topic. no slanging matches
Petty arguments incoming..........................

Leeds fans, i'm a Utd fan and any real Utd fans will know exactly what i mean lol.
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