My aim to become an International Great!


Jan 15, 2012
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Hi my name is connor and my story aim is to complete the pentagon challenge.

For people who are not aware of this challenge it is where you select the five continents and aim to win the champions league (or their equivalent of it) in each continent.

seems easy? The twist is you must start unemployed with a past reputation of sunday league footballer.

well thats the intro done remember this journey will have loads of highs and lows

please comment and first update will be up soon of where i have decided to start.
Good luck buddy! Its a hard challenge indeed!
Can't wait to see what you got. I started unemployed and a sunday-leaguer just because. Didn't know there was a challenge involved :)

Best of luck to you. I started in Asia, myself. Ended up in the Korean National League (second tier). Turns out to be a pretty difficult league as it's semi-pro with only one promotion spot and a relegated pro that comes down every year (who usually take the top spot). Make sure to research where you have a good chance for quicker promotion as far as sheer numbers... it will ease some of the early headaches. But you can't really avoid the headaches, so maybe just go with whatever kit you like best :)
There were quite a few "Tasty" Jobs avaliable but the continent I chose to start in was North America. This was because the Job i got was from New England Revolution which was a decent MLS Team.

When i took charge it was roughly about halfway through the season.

Continent(1)- North America
Country- USA
Team- New England Revolution

The rules in the MLS seem to be difficult at first but when you look into them they become easier to understand even if i still dont fully get the way the draft picks/system works.

First game was an arranged friendly (before i took charge) against Boca Juniors
View attachment 238427

A hard fought victory and my first chance to experiment with my team. I decided i would try get in the play offs top 6( for both east and west divisions) and maybe sneak a way into the champions league by doing that however that seemed a long way off.

i am currently in season 3 so without giving any details away i will quickly catch to where i am in the game and from there in will progress in the game and have much more in depth overviews. However i will try my best and put as much detail in everygame as possible, Also because i am ahead in the game no league tables can be shown at this moment.
Great choice. MLS can be tough, especially because there's no relegation so if you fall behind financially... you're in trouble. Still, its a fun league (as an American, I'm so thankful American Football is finally picking up steam) and the CONCACAF games will be fun for you for sure.

Again, best of luck.
question to any readers : Would yous rather i went through every game like i was at that stage or rush through to catch up with where i actually am?
Not bothered by what yous choose just want to get people intrested and follow my Journey around the Globe.
What I do is a small recap of each event and I upload my team's goals via youtube. From what I've experienced on here, everyone is open to whatever style a creator wants, just as long as you can stay consistent and you enjoy doing it... people will be fine with almost any set-up.

I think I speak for most of us when I say, I just want to enjoy someone elses fun journey in a parallel universe to my own. :)
I'd say rush through to where you are, because its easier when your up to date and go through it as your playing rather than back tracking.
i have decided i will rush through to where i am so looks like updates will be really big (sorry about that ) and will be in as much detail as possible.
First Half season in charge:View attachment 238463

Apart from the Red salt Lake game the rest was mine.

Was very pleased we won the MLS cup

The MLS cup is the top 6 teams from both the eastern and western divisions play in a knockout round. However the diffrence is the higher up the league the team finishes the later they come and less they have to play. So in the end there will be 2 teams left 1 from the east 1 from the west they will then play in a final and the winner of this game wins the MLS and also gets into the "Champions League".

Another way to get in the Champions League is either win the US cup (Like the FA cup in England) or by when in the league stage before the MLS cup getting the most points overall .

View attachment 238468View attachment 238469

My thoughts on the season :

Well im miles ahead of where i thought i would be but with this challenge you never know how long it could take. So next season hoping to retain the MLS and just take the champions league as it comes. That will be very hard consdering this is my first time manging in this continent.

Another update will be up very soon please give feedback on how to improve things but remember i am rushing through until i catch up with where i actually am in the game.

Also like to say im not all to sure in the rules so if i have made a mistake explaining anything please just tell me and i will change it to make them correct.
I think you should try and structure the story better.

Have a look at as I think it is very well structured.

not being cheeky but dont spam or advertise anything on my story please.
And like i said in the first post im rushing through it just now until im up to date with where i actually am in the game then i will properly structure my feelings and everything in it.
Thanks for your input/advice anyway all is taking on board.
season 2 :(will be whole thing so i can get up to speed)
pre season results:View attachment 238536 Assistant took control of these so was okay but i knew our squad was strong enough (Well i hoped anyway)

Transfers in/OUT :
View attachment 238584

USA cup(FA cup) View attachment 238542

MLS (league results) first screenshot : View attachment 238567

rest of fixtures and MLS CUP the highlighted ones: View attachment 238568

League Table: View attachment 238583

NACL (Group stage only as knock out stages is in 2013) View attachment 238585

Next update will be about Start of MLS season and if we can do 1 leg of this challenge and win the NACL. And bear with me guys after this it will be properly set out and in much more detail this is only to catch up with where i am in the game.
Season 3:
NACL View attachment 238609

So i won the first champions league of 5 in the challenge.
Also i resigned the day after completeing the feat.
I will now move onto another continent, which one could it be?
Also played 8 MLS games winning them all.
They replaced me with Bob Bradley

Next update will be the last rushed one it will include:
my new team and continent
some results
league table

Also will put my achievements and Biography to prove these achievements were made.
Continent 2 (Asia)
Country- Asia
Team-Tianjin TEDA (Ill be honest never heard of them but im up for the challenge)

Here are the results since i took over :View attachment 238640

We were second bottom when i took over now we are:
View attachment 238644

This should be a much harder continent to win in so could see us being here a wee while yet.

Now we have caught up from now on will be much more detailed so give feedback on what kind of updates yous are wanting.
11th August 2013
Tianjin outclass Chengdu in a entertaining game

View attachment 238851

Tianjin showed their class coming through this game and recovering from a bad start to where they conceded a penalty only to be saved by their keeper(**** Dalei). Tianjin took the lead in the 15th minute with a well worked goal and eventually finished by the chinese Liao Bochao with a sweet left foot volley from just inside the box. Chengdu woke up after this and started to have a lot of the ball but not doing anything with it until they won a penalty in the 25th minute. Liu Jian steadied himself up after winning it and missed , but to be fair it was a great save by **** Dalei.
Tianjin were having loads of attempts at goal but they were mostly not finding the target until the 70th minute when Chen Tao bulleted in a header from a corner.Chengdu gave their all in press of an equaliser but Smith's Boys in truth never looked like losing this one and it only encouraged their fans hopes of finishing top 4 and perhaps even qualifying for the Asian champions league.

Smith's View on the Match:
It was a really good result for Our Lads against a team who themselves are really struggling lately and are involved in a relagtion scrap.The game wasnt the prettyiest of games more of a battle really but im glad we have manged another 3 points on the board.
Their penalty was a shocking decision and im very glad justice was served by our keeper pulling off a great save.
Our injuiries for the 2 lads today hopefully dont look too serious just took them off to be safe rather than sorry.
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18th August 2013
Tianjin pick up another win away from home

View attachment 238853

Tianjin again showed why they are doing so well this season and challenging for the title with a dominant display at a team sitting currently in 12th. Fuli started off the brighter side creating a number of chances just their players never had their scoring boots on and even missed 2 open goal attempts.In the 22nd minute Tianjin made them pay for this with Wilson Junior scoring a 30 yard free kick into the top right hand corner giving the goalkeeper no chance.
In the second half it became a very open end to end game as Fuli were pushing for the equaliser while Tianjin were pushing to finish the game as a contest.However both defences stayed strong and the encounter finished with just the one goal.

Smith's View:
We were very lucky at times as there striker's clearly never had their shooting boots on however in the course of the season these things level theirselves out.I was pleased with how we played but as always we had stuff we could improve on.I would just like to thank the fans for accepting me on board at this wonderful club and letting me play the style i want which is to attack and have the mentality of out scoring our opponents rather than get one and close up shop. I really am enjoying my time here and wish to bring success upon this club.
1st September 2013
Are Tianjin the chinese Barca?

View attachment 238866

Tianjin came out the blocks with a point to prove scoring after only 22 seconds (a club record) this was without their opponents even touching the ball.Their fans must have thought they were going to give Dalian a right hammering but this game was far from that.Wilsion Junior with a well placed finish after 22 minutes.Tianjin were playing really fantastic football at this stage and looked much better but Dalian had other plans and produced a great goal themselves catching Tianjin on a deadly counter attack after 44 minutes.

Dalian really came out second half and all of a sudden it was a reverse from the first half they started playing the silky one touch football.Dalian missed several oppourtinties and even had a very good penalty claim turned down which lead to their manager after the game saying " We should have had a stone wall penalty but the ref never gave it is weird how the whole stadium knew it was apart from the officials but what else is expected when you are the visting team against Tianjin".

Tianjin showed that they also can quickly counter attack and on 70 minutes they done this and the move getting finished by LI Weifeng. Dalian quickly got a goal back on 77 minutes which lead to a tense last ten minutes but again Smith's boys held on and showed they wont drop out this title race easily.

Smith's View:
It was a very attractive game both teams went for it and both played good football at times, and thats the way it should be played not just lumped up the pitch.
I am slighly disappointed in Dalian's coach's comments but maybe the pressure of trying to qualify for the champions league has got to him , Also feeling a bit of sour grapes as we picked up the 3 points
Anyway thats me finished this interview Bye!