
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score

Chesterfield Football Club have released a statement informing the media that Paul Cook has resigned from his post as manager of the club. Cook stating "personal reasons" are the driving force for relinquishing the reigns of The Spireites. Cook also thanked the board for the opportunity to manage the club and their continued support throughout this difficult time.

Chairman Dave Allen thanked Cook for all his hard work and wished him all the best in the future. Allen took this opportunity to also assure fans that a replacement will be appointed within 24 hrs.

A source within the club believes that Paul Cook has recommended a young coach who Cook completed his coaching badges with to become his replacement. However this seems unlikely as experience will be preferred by the board, as Chesterfield hold aims of automatic promotion from League 2. Although Allen holds Cook in high regard and according to sources Cook maybe well be involved with the interview process.

More to follow on this story
Surprise appointment at the Protact


Chesterfield Football Club have this morning confirmed the appointment of Paul Cook replacement in Liam Nicklin.

Dave Allen released this brief statement " we have acted swiftly and with the clubs best intentions in mind, after lengthy talks with the board and Paul we believe Liam is the right man for the job and is a bright managerial talent who we are pleased to have been able to acquire.

Chesterfield Post


Paul Cook " He is the right man for the job and I am pleased to have been able to aid Dave with my replacement and not managers get to that". When asked if he would return to management Paul said " Hopefully".

Breaking News: Chesterfield confirm Nicklin as Manager and confirm press conference at noon

Frazier Dayton to report from the press conference at Protact Stadium

Dayton: How do you feel about being appointed the new the Chesterfield Manager?

Nicklin: Wonderful feeling and grateful for the opportunity

Dayton: Former Manager Paul Cook has backed you as his successor. How did you feel about this?

Nicklin: Its great! And I`m thankful for Paul`s backing. We have a great relationship and struck up a friendship while completing our coaching badges.

Paul Grant spokesmen for Chesterfield Supporters: Many supporters have concerns with your lack of experience, what do you have to say to them?

Nicklin: Hi Paul. Firstly I understand those concerns, however I am 100% confident in my abilities to achieve our targets and build a platform for the club to grow.

Grant: What are the targets for the season?

Nicklin: Promotion.....Automatic!

Grant: Do you have a brand of football?

Nicklin: Yes.....I believe having possession is key and taking control of games, attacking teams when possible!

Grant: Transfer funds are low to none. How do you deal with this challenge?

Nicklin: The loan market and free`s.

Dave Allen: That concludes this conference Liam is keen to start work!

(More to follow and screen shots)