My Forum Title, How do i change it? ( Rotation Etc )


Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Basically I was wondering how you change it, Is it done on your post count, Also that brings me to the question, How do you check your post count?

By forum title i mean the thing in brackets near your name such as Rotation, Key player etc. Thanks. :D
Spam every possible thread with swear words. Your post count will go up nicely that way.
The more posts, then it'll change at some point. Though spamming is not recommended. Patience is a virtue.
Green's are just bullies :'(
So how do you check your current post count? Is it possible?
Or become a premium member, and you can change it to what you like :)

Hmmmmm, What do you get for being premium? Might get it if it is worth it.
Go to your profile, then to about me on the bar near the top, then down to statistics.
Hmmmmm, What do you get for being premium? Might get it if it is worth it.

The link Dan gave has details. But the donations help keep the site going. Along with the supply of ice cream.
Thanks everyone. :) WOW... over 220 posts and still only a rotation. :(
just keep doing it and have patience ;)

share ur opinions the threads posted around here and sooner or later, u'll be a modern day legend. ;)

** cant there be anything higher than modern day legend status . lol
just keep doing it and have patience ;)

share ur opinions the threads posted around here and sooner or later, u'll be a modern day legend. ;)

** cant there be anything higher than modern day legend status . lol

If there was probably something like "go outside and make friends" or "you have no life" lol
Blue's are complete bosses (sorry ajt, no oldies!)

I'm a true Blue at heart though-(plus I need the money for my heating and coa-coa lol). Think that counts for something (H)
I'm a true Blue at heart though-(plus I need the money for my heating and coa-coa lol). Think that counts for something (H)

spoken like a true oldie ;)
Xd lol. that will seems to like abit like an insult :p

Yeah it is-to me lol. Spend more time on here talking then playing FM. Can't help yapping away half the time lol. Anything footie based then I'm drawn like a wasp around a picnic lol.
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I think there should be a cheap *** title for anybody with 5k posts :p