tbh counter is the best for games against good teams, his attack is best when your favourite, its basically still plug and play you just use those two tactics its just one click on the tactics screen, u plug and play the counter away from home or against city,utd etc etc, and use the attack at home when your against anyone but the top 3 or 4, ive won everything using this technique, its still plug n play you just need to fool the me by not using only attak or onlt defence, pretty simple stuff really
yeah, i actually tried that in my own save game, and it works just like u said..
but, in this test i cant do that, it is literally plug and then play..
not even a single tweak or change.. and its only fair if only one tactic involve for each team..
being consistent without 'change this and change that' is just part of the challenge for this test.

of course this game is not supposed to be played that way.. its just that i'm a lazy fm gamer.

and i still believe that there will be at least one tactic that make the game playable lazily..