Alex Grozaa

May 30, 2011
Reaction score

Just started a new save and i've never had this problem before..

A lot of my players are not responding to my team talks.. and their morale is 'poor'

My assistant says my players can't seem to motivate themselves under my management..

is there anyway to change that? so they'll be more responsive ect?
Passionately say they performed well (as long as they did of course) if you win, and calmly say they were unlucky if you lose/draw a tough game. Aggressively say they weren't good enough if they lose/draw an easy game.

Thats the basic team talk process i follow and it seems to work for most players.

If players become unresponsive then your only really options are:

Win a few games on the bounce and hope/wait for morale to improve.
Give players a new contract, this always resets their happiness level.
Winning a one off game, eg a cup final or big derby game will sometimes see morale improve even if the previous run of form has been poor.