
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
I play with two up front, a TM and a poacher. They were banging over a goal a game each and now they have went 16 and 17 hours without scoring respectively. It is going to cost me the title if I don't sort it out. What could be the problem?
if you are using one tactic all season, teams start to adjust because they know what to expect from you, mix it up with another tactic and life should be sweet. Other than that, dunno mate
Have a tinker with your formation maybe drop the poacher and play an inside forward just behind the target man
I use a rigid 442 but vary between control, counter, attacking and standard. My slider settings are also slightly different for each and I have various shouts I use based on the opposition I am facing, and where. Another reason I do not think it is due to my tactic becoming stale is that I have a 34 year old target man that is in every way inferior to my number 1, but he is scoring when I play him. I also have a **** poacher that seems to score over my better one.

Anyway, my poacher broke his dry spell on the last game of the season which secured me the title and ergo promotion. I hope it doesn't carry into next season though. I'll keep in mind dropping them to the reserves for the future.
