narrow or wide play - need some basic explanation


Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
I play fm since 2005 - but have still some basic questions about the playing style wide or narrow.

1. Generally question: what is the impact of playing narrow or playing wider?

2. In combination with that - how should I set the tempo, dl, closing down and the passing, If I use a narrow style or a wide playing style?

3. How should I play If I use a attacking strategie with strong teams - for ex. a 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3. to get to the point with wingers or inside forwards? Should I play more wider than.

i use a 41212 narrow with quik tempo and attacing and counter on and have had amazing results and won everything for 3 seasons in a row with chelsea and now im at everton and im top of the table and there is 4 games left and i could win the treble i think narrow tactics have more success than wider ones do.
it's fairly well known that narrow tactics exploit a bug in the match engine....

so, narrow is best.
Impact of playing narrow is your players are closer to the middle of the pitch.
Impact of playing wider is your players are closer to the edge of the pitch.

As for combination, many many different ones work. Experimentation is your friend.I change my tactic game to game, but always play a Normal tempo, bang on centre. There is no change on this from using wide or narrow play. I make my changes based on players available, and whose the most tired. I don't think there's a direct colleration between the two, it depends on your players, you don't want a high tempo with slow players with low natural fitness, so take a look at each player and base your decision on that.

Against strong teams, again it depends on your players. Don't play wingers if you have nobody with decent crossing, and don't play a winger as an inside forward. Again, with my ever changing tactic, I always play to my strengths. For example, if Eden Hazard (I play him AMR as Winger) is injured, and i push gerrard out far, i'd play him as an Inside Forward, but if I put Joe Cole out right, i'd play him as Advanced Playmaker.

As for what Dylayden said, the tactic depends on your players entirely, if you went with a narrow tactic low tempo, but had the best, fastest wingers, your not going to win much.