Nation flag and federation emblem erratic behavoiur, help needed


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score

I have created a custom nation and made a custom flag and federation badge and have put into the graphics folder and changed the config files (using the Megapack TCM15 as a base). The flag and federation badge appears everywhere in the game apart from in three places and I am completely stuck as to how to fix this, so any help would be appreciated.

Two problems are occurring on the nation overview page. In the nation profile section the old flag (that isn't even in the graphics folder anymore as I edited over the existing one) is showing instead of the custom flag, and on next match section the old federation emblem (again not even in the graphics folder anymore due to being edited over) is being shown, yet the new edited federation emblem is showing in the top left in between the back and forward arrows and the nation name.

The third issue is when you go to the national teams the federation emblem that was showing the correct edited one up in the top left switches to the old one, then when you then click onto a player in the national team it then switches back to the correct edited one.

Has anyone ever come across this? And if so do you know how to fix?

Many thanks.