
Jan 25, 2011
Reaction score
Im new to the forum and new to playing FM 'properly' as it were and I need some help.

Im playing as Birmingham City in my 1st season of the premier league and I cannot seem to win (Not surprising after supporting them for all my life) and I can only manage to draw or lose against most teams.

I could really do with some help regarding tactics,players to buy,formation and what to do in general.

Hopefully someone will help!

Ive added some pictures of my current first team and all that good stuff...
Check out the Downloads section for shortlists of awesome players etc.

Here is a link to the download tactics threads, read through some and see what takes your fancy, It'd be nice if you could expand on your current budget etc..
At least your keepers playing well!!!!

Try JPWoodys tactic, its great but you need some tactical knowledge to use it, ie to see whats happening during the game and correct it
Personally, I always find 4-1-2-1-2 a pretty effective tactic. I was having a shocker in the premier league with Newcastle in my first season, but I downloaded Mr Hough's tactic and just moved the middle striker back to attacking midfield. I've gone on to win Premier League titles, Carling Cups, the FA Cup and the Champions League, and it is absolutely 100% down to Mr Hough's great tactic.

However, with that tactic you can't alter player roles or anything, I think its called a 'plug and play' tactic. So if you want more control over how your players play, what you shout from touchline etc. then I suggest making your own 4-1-2-1-2 that plays to your teams strengths.

In terms of players, its already been said - check out the downloads section for player shortlists. You've got a pretty solid defence (Johnson and Dann are good centre backs) so I'd maybe recommend a new striker and a good defensive midfielder. Thats just me, mind.
Dont worry if you are new to FM... just try out afew tactics around here and maybe you will like that style of play and start enjoying your FM life ;)
Whoa! Thanks a load guys, I can't believe you all replied!

@StueyRob I do,He is injured unfortunately(see second picture) but he seems to play rubbish for me anyway :)

Ill try some of these tactics and report my findings!
try to sort your own tactic etc out too. you will gain invaluable experience in fm-goodness. if your new to it all, don't be too precious about your saves, experiment, tinker get used to all the features. then you can start a save in which you have a much better idea of where your at. its a ****** tricky game at times but don't worry, you will be a cyber-mourinho before too long.

best of luck, and don't forget - us fm-basers are here to help :D
The pictures shown above and below are from my main save, yesterday I started a new 'test' save and I cant seem to nab the players I have on the main save. Its really annoying!

I changed my formation to one of my own 4-5-1 with Muamba as an 'Anchor-man', Phillips up front as Matt Derbyshire (My top scorer) has a long-term injury.

Also these are the transfers I have done and secured unfortunately before I read your advice.(The 5mil for Derbyshire is 2.5mil now,2.5 mil in 12months)