need help and confused with editor


Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
hi hi, just got used to the editor, change budgets fine. but i want to improve the leeds united players attributes e.g. shooting, penalty taking. i change the numbers (less than 20). i save the data, go and start new game and all attributes stay the same. any ideas would be appreciated.
have you edited their ca in accordance with the stat changes? if not then you need to for teh stat changes to work properly.
You can change their CA and PA. In the Editor. A players stats, need to fit with the CA. So if you give a player better stats, you have to raise the CA, otherwise it won't add up.
what does ca and pa mean???? sorry i know noob but i haven't clue what these terminology mean
example i want to just make jermaine beckford have better attributes preferably everything cant i just make all stats 20
i don't think you can make all stats 20 but if you want to give a player a stats increase then you must boost their current ability and potential ability aswell for the changes to take effect properly. if you don't then the stat increase won't go through as you wanted and will only raise the stats by a small amount if any.
No. In that case, you will have to change his CA (Current Ability) to 200 (out of 200).
And change his PA (Potential Ability) to 200 (out of 200).

If you just change his stats and CA, without changing the PA, his stats will just drop again...
so in theory if his ca in pa was 200 all of his stats can be all edited to 20. sorry guys for wasting your time, you are all helpful
Yeah. CA and PA on 200. Then you can change all of his stats to 20 ;)
in theory yes but i think that some of them would drop slightly to 17's as i don't think the game is coded to allow all 20 stats to be maintained but he would definately be better then ronaldo/messi/kaka/ (insert other brilliant players here)
just load your game and use the fmrte load the game and change is stats there
its much easier to use u can edit the game while playing just search beckford edit his stats and value save and go back to game
football manager real time editor u can download off here u have to have your game started then load fmrte and boom u can edit budget facilities ground stats staff even destroy other teams