Need help getting logo to show for custom team


Jul 22, 2010
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I'm having issues with a friggin logo. I created it myself for a custom team. In the editor it says my id is 9006025 but when i try that it doesn't work for jerseys or logos. I use the id i got off of fmrte editor which is 2062002128 and that works for my custom jersey kit using graphics guru but nojoy on the logos. They are Png's 180x180 and 18x18. If its any help, its for a team in the lower Irish leagues custom db. but i'm not sure that it matters because i've seen other post that pull the 9006025 number when they create a custom team. Any Ideas? Whats the 9006025 refer to? I have multiple working logo, kits, etc. installed. should I try to use the ID from the team I booted when i created my own team?
i tried to produce logos for clubs that dont have logos and they wont show up. Any help with that?

thank you