
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
So i'm trying to get rid of the squad rules of both the Premiership and La Liga so you don't have to register anyone instead of having the 25 man limits. Was wondering how to do this. I saw someone say to just untick "use squad numbers" in the editor but i did that and started a new game with the database changes ticked and it still has the registration. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
you need to change eng.xml and spa.xml from comps.fmf file(default and updates). in this files you will find that features
what do you need? you want to remove registation and remove squad size rules? be specific please and i will do it for you
Yea i want to get rid of the squad size rules and the home grown stuff and having to register players for the season. Pref with LFC's latest update on if that makes any difference to the process. Cheers
i think lfc update is just database update so you can add it later. wait 4-5 minutes...
New folder (2).rar

just unzip this and you will find two files: eng.xml and esp.xml
copy that files to editor data folder and just mark them when you start new game. let me know if everything is ok
Ok put it on and just loaded up a quick game. Checked the prem and the rules there and it says no player restrictions within current squad selection. Went to the squad registration option from the Man United squad and it still had all that stuff it usually does but now i can't select any players and it's greyed out, so does that mean now it's all fine and no restrictions or registrations?
i dont know.try to play.

when i load game i only have option to register players for champions cup. there isnt registration option for premier league...
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Yup it seems to have worked, just holidayed up to the first game of the season, no one's had to be registered and can just pick my whole team. Thanks a lot mate. Just a shame i'm going to have to lose my 4 season game, had quite a formidable youth set up
Will do thanks. So glad to have this darn registration nonsense off