
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,

Take it easy on me it is my first post here! I've tried my best to do a fair bit of searching on the internet and I haven't found anyone having the same problem with me under the same circumstances.

I see people struggling to run the game with 512mb of RAM which is perfectly understandable... Though not in my case.

At start up System Performance is half a star and with the English league system and a small database game speed is 1 and a half! I'll be honest I thought that is a load of rubbish and played anyway but I cant help noticing the game does actually run at a snails pace to the point it really isn't all that enjoyable, takes me about an hour to get through 3 matches i'd guesstimate.

Here are my system specs:

Dell Inspiron 9400
Intel(R) Core (TM) 2CPU
T7400 @ 2.16GHz
994 MHz 2.00GB of ram

I'm running Windows XP service pack 3.

not exactly a brand spanking new laptop but one would assume that would be more than capable of running FM?

I do exit all over unnecessary programs before playing and also run game booster. Completely baffled.

I take it you do not watch it in 3D, Fm is not meant to chew up system performance.. I still run about 16 nations and 23 leagues as playable with a large database (74 000 player limit) on my:

4.4 Amd duo core
2gb Corsair transcend DDR2 800mhz
Geforce Gt430 1gb DDR3 RAM, 128bit graphics card

and it run's very smoothly... also on Xp Sp3.

It takes me a **** of a lot quicker than 1 hour to finish a match though :) it depends on what you do and how you watch it I guess..
Have you patched the game? Memory leak issues weren't fully rectified untill 11.2.
@ Raikan007 all I can say is I am very jealous. I will be honest I have been watching in 3d (only key moments) though I doubt this is the problem as it runs just as slowly when I am not in a match at all. Just browsing and even reading messages can take a while!

@ Jake - I am pretty sure I have installed the latest patch (the march 2011 update right?)

@ JackFulham - I hope not. As this may mean a new laptop is needed... Surely though if minimum requirements are 512mb RAM my system wouldn't be rated as half a start with 2GB?????

Been bugging me for the last week quite badly.
If I could get a recent enough update patch I'd probably just stick to my old faithful Champ Manager 01-02 as these experiences.

the star rating and game speed mean f all bud :) my game speed says half a star and it runs perfectly.. its a bunch of bs really so do not even worry about it
Hmmm yeh I did think the star rating maybe unimportant but I don't know. The speed my game is running at is definitely shockingly bad. A perfect example would be, I am reading through the messages on the home screen and it takes about a second to load each one up. Just seems like everything i click takes way too long to happen.

On the old games i used to spend half my time looking through potential players but with the game speed i have it makes it WAY too slow to do.
I had the same problem on my old PC, it used to take an age to process games, I'd be sat watching the loading screen more han actually playing...You need a new lappy mate, simple as.
Yeah I was thinking as much but I am not really in the position to be forking out £400 on a new laptop with the things i got planned for the next couple months. Surely though your old computer didn't have 2gb of ram etc? I mean I see people round the internet near enough on the minimum requirements getting better performance than me.
I cant remember what spec it was but it was very old. Have you tried cleaning yours, reg mechanic, defrag etc, that may speed it up a bit.
I'll be honest I seemed to have tried all of those. Defrag, Check Disk etc. Cleared off 70gb of files, programs etc off my hard drive. I am only using 40gb of it.

Just a little confused how a system with 4 times more than the minimum RAM can struggle so badly to run it.
i have the same problem but mine is a brand new laptop with nothing on it, what can i do?