New Online Game - Premier League

Luke Masters

Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'm starting a new FM13 Online game in the Premier League, I'll be managing Southampton and you can manage whoever you want really. Message me on Skype @ lukelm24 or put your Steam username underneath. My steam username is LukeLM24.
hi...i'm new to the online mode but extremely intrested how it works. i would like to manage Tottenham but i also would take other teams.
How many managers do you have in mind to take? i find it more thrilling if a bit more managers take part in the game, but i dont know how it affects the speed of the forthcoming in the season. i cant promise that i'm on everyday but i think one could call me comitted to this game. in SP i got over 200 hours of game time.
i would be happy to take part in this.
Greets Aequitas (Steam: AequitasAUT - you should have a request on steam)
i would be interested too but it depends on times. mainly available evenings and weekends. I would like arsenal. Steam name: grumpyrabbit
Currently Southampton, Spurs, Arsenal and Fulham are taken. We're looking for maybe 2/3 more members?
i will join steam id melv89 i will take city if thats ok
so when will this game be up and running? will there be set days and times? When are most available?
Man Utd just got taken!

Southampton, Arsenal, Utd, City, Spurs, Newcastle, Fulham are all taken now.