
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Has anyone else noticed this in the new release?

In only three games:

- I have hit the woodwork 13 times!

- Have picked up 7 injuries!

- Have watched an increase of roughly 40% in goal kicks and corners - as the ball seems to travel way faster than it used to - and runs off the end of the pitch at almost every long ball... Is it a lighter ball or have they made the players worse?
Yeah mine is like that...

Im not sure how many times Iv hit the post but I noticed in one match I hit it three times just like last year...

I must have played only bout 7 games since the the update an Iv got 9 injuries making a substitution seems to significantly increase the chances of an injury...

Offside decisions in mine are pretty bad I started watching full matches or comprehensive view and the offsides are terrible and it goes both ways... Its hard to say if they are an improvement tho because before the update I seen lots of offsides from corners...

Player mistakes have increased dramatically especially from my keeper... Maybe the defending is better but its hard for me to see that when I see the things my defenders do... standing still with the ball waiting for the opposition to just take the ball off them...

The old hoof the ball forward problem from the beta is back too... My GK/DFs get a pass and refuse to play it short to an open player instead they launch it forward usually resulting in the opposition getting it back... Its really frustrating because thats not what I want and its not how I play in all aspects of football I believe in keeping the ball...
Yeah, I've noticed a few bizarre mistakes and decisions to hoof. That said, that has always been a feature - but I wonder if they are trying to simulate the 'nerves' aspect of the new body language drop down during the games. I had a keeper stand rooted as the ball came to him and the defender came back and tackled his own keeper conceding a corner. Both players were 'very nervous' .... but I ask you, how nervous are you 72 mins into your 3rd game of the season in front 322 fans.... ?? Really?
Seriously, is there an official line on the flight of the new ball??

I'm watching a game here from the 2013 release and this is not like it used to be. It's like a tennis match between the 2 keepers! They just keep hoofing it over the base line end to end. The ball seems to not expend energy as it bounces, it increases with each bounce. In the old releases, a long ball would roll to a stop, especially in wet weather - now it's blitzing off the end every time!!