new reading striker


Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
i joined reading in the feburary in my second season, they are in the preimership, i am in april now coming to the end of my season and i clear of relegation and i am looking for a new striker as lita and shane long have scored about 11 goals each this season i have no backup apart from noel hunt, and i have recieved a 4.9 million bid for him and i have accepted, also i am selling stephen hunt for 3.5 million(reading had previously bought mcfadden so hunt is not needed) and i going to spend the cash combined to buy a striker any suggestions please
sylvan ebanks blake, hugo rodallega or florin bratu are my suggestions
Robert Lewandowski does quite a good job and is cheap to buy (around £1.5m in second season, around 750k in first season). Kikin Fonseca is good too, but is a bit more pricey and can be inconsistent.
bradley wright phillips
asmir bogevic (spelt sumet like tht)
Billy Sharp,Steven Fletcher,Salvatore Foti....
Im reading, buy Fernando Forestri (Speeling maybe wrong) i bot him den and still have him in 2017. Or Luarito got Him for €7m the season b4. Kevin Doyle shud still be gud do!!!