No money in bank? D:


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Not sure if this is the right place for this topic/question, but still.

Right now I'm playing a save with my Liverpool team. I'm going pretty fine everywhere, 1st in league, quarter final in europe.

Problem is, I cant even ask for more money from my board. They dont have funds to upgrade any facilities, expand stadium, or just add some wage budget.

Is Liverpool board really that poor, and, also, if there's an ingame way of getting 'em richer / getting a new board, can someone please tell me?

Thanks :3
1) Be patient. You cant do all the stuff you say in one season.
2) Win stuff.
You probably have a decifit, because you buy to many expensive players. Check your finances.
Don't spend all your budget at once. Your wage budget is the absolute maximum you can spend in a season. If you want the club to be(come) healthy spend max 80% of it. Also keep an eye on other rewards players earn. Lower wages and high rewards per play and per goal can also get the club into debt. Last year there where a few good reports how to earn money with your club but I lost the link to it. I will post it if I find it.
What season are you in? If so then just be patient. If you win the league you will get a nice bonus + the TV money for next season is doubled + the CL money for next year will be a big boost!

Basically, you can't have everything straight away! You might have to wait a year or two before you can upgrade your facilities.. and probably quite a while until you can buy a new stadium.

Also, the best way you make money as a club is to cut your wages to as low as you physically can while still competing.. So asking for more wage budget is not going to help you -.- Another way to make money is to try and always at least break even in the transfer market.. It's not as hard as it sounds!
I sold doni and cole and that free'd up over 100k wages, sell downing and Carroll next season and you'll be leaving for wages
Thanks for the answers guys, well, there is some info.

I'm in the first season. Sure, I bought some players, but I also sold some players. My wage budget is 2.7 mil, while I have to pay only 2.1 mil. And I'm still loosing money, don't even know why.

But yeah, I hope I will win EL and EPL, so I get some money, and then probably going to sell some of my players. :(

If anybody thinks it's going to help, I can post some screenshots of my finances, transfers, wage budget etc
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Making money is very easy after a season or two, Just be sure to pick up players of a good sale value for free, Check the transfer market for players expiring in 6 month on 30th of December and snap some up, Even if you dont want them, You can loan them out the first season and get their wages paid in full plus 150-500k P/M fees and then sell them off the following season for a nice profit.Same with your youth team or reserves if you have players not playing get them out on loan, Get the wages off your books and try and get a fee per month for them too.

Currently on my Leeds save i have 24 players out on loan, Each one has their wages paid in full and are bringing in fees of 200k-580k per month, Even at 200k each thats almost 5 million a month i'm bringing in while giving my regens valuable game time, I think in total i'm bringing in closer to 8 million a month, My wage bill is under 6 million per month, So yes i have other clubs paying my wage bill all season long, The only time i lose money in a month is when bonuses are activated, Goal bonuses normally, But even then its 500k-1m max i lose and thats maybe 2 months out of the season the rest i'm making 500k-2 million and alot more when the transfer windows are open ofcourse.

I'm playing as Leeds United and the board took out a loan of 250 million to pay for a new 61,000 stadium last season and i still turned over a profit every month despite loan repayments, Took me 3 long very hard seasons to start making money but now i'm in 2019/20 and turning over a very good profit and due to loaning out players they have developed amazingly well and rocketed in value, When a player doesnt develop as i want i sell him for 5 million atleast and 50% of profit from next sale (i always add the 50% clause).

Now ofcourse you wont beable to do that in the first season as you just dont have the quality of youths that will bring in those kind of loan fees but Liverpool do have some decent young players, You could probably get 5-10 out on loan with a 150-200k per month fee and get the wages off your bill.
Making money is very easy after a season or two, Just be sure to pick up players of a good sale value for free, Check the transfer market for players expiring in 6 month on 30th of December and snap some up, Even if you dont want them, You can loan them out the first season and get their wages paid in full plus 150-500k P/M fees and then sell them off the following season for a nice profit.Same with your youth team or reserves if you have players not playing get them out on loan, Get the wages off your books and try and get a fee per month for them too.

Currently on my Leeds save i have 24 players out on loan, Each one has their wages paid in full and are bringing in fees of 200k-580k per month, Even at 200k each thats almost 5 million a month i'm bringing in while giving my regens valuable game time, I think in total i'm bringing in closer to 8 million a month, My wage bill is under 6 million per month, So yes i have other clubs paying my wage bill all season long, The only time i lose money in a month is when bonuses are activated, Goal bonuses normally, But even then its 500k-1m max i lose and thats maybe 2 months out of the season the rest i'm making 500k-2 million and alot more when the transfer windows are open ofcourse.

I'm playing as Leeds United and the board took out a loan of 250 million to pay for a new 61,000 stadium last season and i still turned over a profit every month despite loan repayments, Took me 3 long very hard seasons to start making money but now i'm in 2019/20 and turning over a very good profit and due to loaning out players they have developed amazingly well and rocketed in value, When a player doesnt develop as i want i sell him for 5 million atleast and 50% of profit from next sale (i always add the 50% clause).

Now ofcourse you wont beable to do that in the first season as you just dont have the quality of youths that will bring in those kind of loan fees but Liverpool do have some decent young players, You could probably get 5-10 out on loan with a 150-200k per month fee and get the wages off your bill.

wow, you look good mate

well, thanks for advices, gonna try em ":)