
Oct 20, 2010
Reaction score
So is it just me or are there none of these anymore? I used to use things like "this team struggle against teams that play narrow" to my advantage, but apparently there is none of that anymore.

Is it something that was removed or am I just not getting them for some reason?
doesn't look like it; perhaps the folks at FM felt that the improved "next opponent" scouting reports would make up for that. (in case you don't know what i'm referring to, set one of your scouts - the one with the highest tactical knowledge - to scout next opposition, and he'll compile a report on them before your next game). unfortunately, i don't see anywhere in the reports that provides that information about defensive lines, tempos, passing style, etc., which is a shame.

on that note, how are people using the new reports? atm i look at their most used formation and 'squad depth' to see who's played where the most, and how well they've done; i also look at what formations they struggle against, especially if there's one that smaller reputation teams have beaten them with. but i'm wondering if there's something else people do?