
Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
SIi want my money back.... this is not a good game anymore....all my tactics isnot working every pacth the same 14.3 you are maggots si............
Be patient, if you keep trying then at one point you'll eventually create/find a tactic that'll work! At least that's how I do it, and so far it have worked with every patch :) And why is it that people fell the need to curse every time something isn't working for them? I mean come on, 9 out of 10 times it's probably your own fault!
i suggest that if you have a problem with fm's developers you should be airing it on SI's forums not these ones in the uploaded tactics section. perhaps it isn't that game that is wrong it is you :)
I was one of those guys cursing and swearing coz tactics didn't work then went and studied and I mean studied guides on fm tactics and OI's and using scouting reports and first couple of matches I watched in full to see my weakness's and look at match stats and etc.... Basically play the game as a manager as how u would manage something in real life :) and I'm loving the game now, yes there are flaws in ME every sees that but there are ways trial and error... I try and if get sacked restart and try again but I do understand frustrations as I do get them also but mostly corner kicks drive me insane but I will eventually find away to stop it :) don't give up keep trying u will get tactic to work took me a month now to get a nice decent tactic of my own to work :)
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