Off / Control / Counter || Which tempo and passing style is the most suitable?


Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score

I am wondering which tempo and which passing style suit the best to offensive / control / counter styles.

When we see offensive mentality it says that it's based on fast tempo and direct passing. I am pretty surprised because I thought that good offensive team do not waste balls by direct passing... Anyway, SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME.

When we see control we find that it is based on slow tempo and shorter passing. Ok. These things I can understand. In my opinion it means that we should tick all TIs which suggest slow tempo of play and short passing.

But after we look on the counter-attack mentality and there, let's say I am more than surprised oO). I found that some people use low tempo and short passing for counter-attacks. According to the game engine it could be good idea but rationality suggests it will not work. But is it true counter-attack? Counter-attack is based on direct passing and high tempo, I think... But also it is cautious style of play...

ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME... Let's find the best solution.

I am wondering which tempo and which passing style suit the best to offensive / control / counter styles.

When we see offensive mentality it says that it's based on fast tempo and direct passing. I am pretty surprised because I thought that good offensive team do not waste balls by direct passing... Anyway, SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME.

When we see control we find that it is based on slow tempo and shorter passing. Ok. These things I can understand. In my opinion it means that we should tick all TIs which suggest slow tempo of play and short passing.

But after we look on the counter-attack mentality and there, let's say I am more than surprised oO). I found that some people use low tempo and short passing for counter-attacks. According to the game engine it could be good idea but rationality suggests it will not work. But is it true counter-attack? Counter-attack is based on direct passing and high tempo, I think... But also it is cautious style of play...

ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME... Let's find the best solution.
The default is most suitable, until you actually know what you're doing. You don't have to select anything. Each mentality has its own tempo and own passing.
To counter effectively use attacking/overload along with deep defensive line. Use structured if you got at least 3 attack roles over central mid line and fluid if you have more defensive shape/roles.

I am wondering which tempo and which passing style suit the best to offensive / control / counter styles.

When we see offensive mentality it says that it's based on fast tempo and direct passing. I am pretty surprised because I thought that good offensive team do not waste balls by direct passing... Anyway, SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME.

When we see control we find that it is based on slow tempo and shorter passing. Ok. These things I can understand. In my opinion it means that we should tick all TIs which suggest slow tempo of play and short passing.

But after we look on the counter-attack mentality and there, let's say I am more than surprised oO). I found that some people use low tempo and short passing for counter-attacks. According to the game engine it could be good idea but rationality suggests it will not work. But is it true counter-attack? Counter-attack is based on direct passing and high tempo, I think... But also it is cautious style of play...

ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME... Let's find the best solution.

In addition to what I said, I'll even break it down for you.

1 - Attacking mentality is meant to be, err, attacking. It features a very high tempo, line and closing down. Passing is short for defensive players (to not waste possession with aimless clearances) and direct for the other players to aid the attacking nature of the mentality. Attacking isn't tippy-tappy passes and direct isn't long balls. It's attack with inciseveness and score goals. Logic, right? That's why there's no need to change anything straight off the bat. It works as it is too.

2 - Control mentality features high tempo, D-Line and closing down (higher than Standard; lower than Attacking) and the passing structure is also similar to Attacking but just slightly longer for defenders and slightly less direct for the rest. So it's an attacking mentality still, normally used by the favourites.

3 - Counter mentality (being one higher than Defensive and one lower than Standard) is a fairly defensive mentality. It features low tempo, D-Line and closing down (higher than Defensive and lower than Standard). That's because the aim is to sit back, keep shape and counter attack. This and Defensive mentality both feature counter-attacking. So normally, the tempo is low to keep possession, as it's a fairly defensive mentality. When the counter is initiated though, mentality and tempo is at the maximum, so it will still feature high tempo counter attacks. The passing structure is direct for the defensive players, to get the ball away to the midfield/forwards and relieve pressure. The attacking players will have short passing to help keep possession and not needlessly give it away, causing more pressure. During a counter attack, with mentality and tempo (temporarily) maxed for the duration of the counter, the mentality and tempo will help get the ball forward with precision and inciseveness.