Official FM-Base Football Quiz

Redders said:


There is a 6 character post limit :eek:

Can't even say 'No' nowadays

ive been saying that since day 1 of theses new forums!
One guess at a time only.

So i am not accepting any of those answers. Also not telling you if they were correct or incorrect.
West Ham Utd

clackerbag said:

Don't be daft, Middlesbrough have only won 1 proper cup in their whole history, and it was only the Carling Cup :yuck:
Correct Sean.

Next Question and Leaderboard tomorrow.

Sean ya stink.
Whoops, didn't check next page, still answering last question :p

Craven - 2
Lee - 2
Ajw - 1
Gregor - 1
Sean - 1

Next Question

Who was the manager of Brighton when they won the third division title in 2000/2001?