The game still works!

Sorry, but I couldn't resist. XD

What the others say plus are goalkeepers against whom he missed good at one on ones? I don't mean just the one on one attribute, also positioning and composure, maybe anticipation and reflexes too. Could the GK see him coming for long? Is he central or lateral? How far is he from the goalkeeper? How far from the goal is the goalkeeper? Think of angles leading the ball to goal, post, wide or goalkeeper. Many one on ones are not as easy for the striker as it may seem before a close look at it. In fact, a lot of the said easy chances both in FM and real football, when I look at them I see they are easy indeed... for the goalkeeper to save.
De Gea has 13 OOO (lolo) and he saves everything. 3D animations need to be polished further I reckon.
De Gea has 13 OOO (lolo) and he saves everything. 3D animations need to be polished further I reckon.

One-on-One is not the only attribute to pay attent to here.

One on ones – deal with opposition threats (SK and GK)
If the opposition team have succeed to break the offside trap, the goalkeeper is the last person to prevent the other team from scoring. The opposite player may have excellent dribbling and technique, which makes him a real goalscorer threat.
A good goalkeeper needs great attributes in bravery and decision to deal with these situations in additional to one on ones.
The goalkeeper attribute one on ones predicts how well the goalkeeper is to deal with these situations, and is partially linked to rushing out. One part of this attribute is the goalkeepers ability to deny scoring opportunity but also his ability to read the arising situation and predict what the opposite player might do (read: anticipation).
High one on ones attribute will increase his tendency to attempt to win the ball with confidence and impose these types of situations to his benefit. The goalkeeper may need good reflexes and balance in these types of situations as the opposite target may be an excellent dribbler or quick on his feet.
With a deep defensive line, this attribute will not be as important than if you play with a high defensive line.

Source:Football Manager Goalkeeper Attributes | Passion for Football Manager