Online Pass/Server Problem (PLEASE HELP ME)


Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hello. I need help, some real help. This is the story and I'll try to make it as short as possible -

I recently bought Fifa 11 for christmas and had opened the game and played it. After a few days I realised that I needed to enter an online pass in order to play online (I must of had skipped it at the time.) The problem is I cannot find where to enter my code now that I've skipped the code screen. Everyone has told me to go to an online game and it will tell me to enter my code.. The problem is I get the following message when I enter the 'head to head' screen. 'ii JaMeZ x is connecting to the EA servers.. and then seconds later I get the next message: 'The EA servers are not available at this time. Please try again later'

Is this normal? This has been happening since Christmas day. I can't enter the code when going on an online game as that message appears. I've linked my account, changed the date of my xbox (read it somewhere), deleted all the content from Fifa 11 and everything and it's no use.. I still can't enter my online pass.

Please could someone help me as I really want to play with my friends, many thanks.