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Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score

im not sure if this will be the right forum for this, but here goes.

is there any FAQ or newbie guide explaining the xml files from panels.fmf? i mean, for example:

<!-- Personal Details -->
<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="5" gap="4"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<!-- this version of the table is used if the player portrait is visible -->
<widget class="table" id="pld1" mode="printable, fill_rows" layout="1,140,-1,190" fixed_size_rows="true" row_spacing="0" row_height="18">

<list id="column_properties">
<record indx="0" alignment="right,centre_y"/>
<record indx="1" alignment="left,centre_y" />
<record indx="2" alignment="right,centre_y" />
<record indx="3" alignment="left,centre_y" />
<record indx="4" alignment="left,centre_y" />

<!-- small inset from sides of table -->
<list id="column_display_properties">
<record indx="0" left="0" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="1" left="6" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="2" left="6" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="3" rght="6" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="4" rght="6" sort_disabled="true"/>

<!-- custom row graphics -->
<list id="row_properties">
<record indx="8">
<flags id="appearance" value="table/custom/stripe/row"/>
<record indx="9">
<flags id="appearance" value="table/custom/stripe/row"/>
<record indx="12">
<flags id="appearance" value="table/custom/stripe/row" />
<record indx="13">
<flags id="appearance" value="table/custom/stripe/row"/>
<record indx="14">
<flags id="appearance" value="table/custom/stripe/row"/>

<!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->
<container class="group_box" id="over" row="0" col="0" column_span="5" row_span="11">
<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="12" />

<widget class="picture" id="ppic" auto_size="all">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="7"/>
<!-- Attribute Analyser -->
<container id="ppaa" file="player profile attribute analyser"/>

<!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->

<!-- Temporary Row Fillers - the picture and logo should possibly be put in their own table -->
<widget class="label" col="0" row="1" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="2" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="3" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="4" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="5" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="6" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="7" />
<widget class="label" col="0" row="8" />

<!-- Nationality -->
<widget class="nation_button" id="pfna" col="1" row="10" column_span="1" icon_alignment="left,can_scale" dspf="1" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- International Appearances -->
<widget class="international_appearances_label" id="pfcg" col="1" row="11" column_span="2" size="7"/>

<!-- Age -->
<widget class="label" id="pfag" col="3" row="10" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Date Of Birth -->
<widget class="label" id="pdob" col="3" row="11" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Height -->
<widget class="height_label" id="phei" col="1" row="12" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Weight -->
<widget class="weight_label" id="pwei" col="1" row="13" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Preferred Foot -->
<widget class="label" id="pfot" col="3" row="12" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Preferred Foot Label -->
<widget class="label" id="text" text="Preferred Foot" col="3" row="13" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Wage -->
<widget class="label" id="wagw" col="1" row="14" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Contract Expiry -->
<widget class="label" id="pexp" col="1" row="15" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Value -->
<widget class="label" id="pval" col="3" row="14" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Value Label -->
<widget class="label" id="text" text="Estimated Value[COMMENT: player profile; value label]" col="3" row="15" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- interested -->
<widget class="label" text="Interested" col="1" row="16"/>
<widget class="text" id="intw" col="3" row="16" auto_size="vertical"/>

<!--Extra Info -->
<widget class="text" id="pinf" spec="text" col="1" row="16" column_span="4" alignment="left" style="semi_bold" colour="profile extra text"/>


<!-- this version of the table is used if the player portrait is hidden -->
<widget class="table" id="pld2" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable" layout="-1,-1,-1" fixed_size_rows="true" row_spacing="0" row_height="20">

<list id="headings">
<record text="Personal Details" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="3"/>

<list id="column_properties">
<record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y"/>
<record indx="1" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="selection"/>
<record indx="2" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="selection"/>

<!-- small inset from sides of table -->
<list id="column_display_properties">
<record indx="0" left="4" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="1" rght="4" sort_disabled="true"/>
<record indx="2" rght="4" sort_disabled="true"/>

<!-- Nationality -->
<widget class="label" text="Nationality" col="0" row="0" column_span="2" />
<widget class="nation_button" id="pfna" col="1" row="0" column_span="2" icon_alignment="right,can_scale" dspf="1"/>

<!-- Caps + Goals -->
<widget class="label" text="International" col="0" row="1" column_span="2" />
<widget class="international_appearances_label" id="pfcg" col="1" row="1" column_span="2" />

<!-- DOB -->
<widget class="label" text="Born" col="0" row="2" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pdob" col="1" row="2" column_span="2" />

<!-- Age -->
<widget class="label" text="Age" col="0" row="3" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pfag" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" />

<!-- Player Position -->
<widget class="label" text="Position" col="0" row="4" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pprs" col="1" row="4" column_span="2" />

<!-- Foot -->
<widget class="label" text="Preferred Foot" col="0" row="5" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pfot" col="1" row="5" column_span="2" />

<!-- Height -->
<widget class="label" text="Height[COMMENT - player profile panel; height label]" col="0" row="6" column_span="2" />
<widget class="height_label" id="phei" col="1" row="6" column_span="2" />

<!-- Weight -->
<widget class="label" text="Weight[COMMENT - player profile panel; weight label]" col="0" row="7" column_span="2" />
<widget class="weight_label" id="pwei" col="1" row="7" column_span="2" />

<!-- Value -->
<widget class="label" text="Value" col="0" row="8" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pval" col="1" row="8" column_span="2" />

<!-- Wage Details -->
<widget class="label" text="Basic Wage" col="0" row="9" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="wagw" col="1" row="9" column_span="2" />

<!--Contract Expires -->
<widget class="label" text="Contract Expires" col="0" row="10" column_span="2" />
<widget class="label" id="pexp" col="1" row="10" column_span="2" />

<!--Extra Info -->
<widget class="text" spec="text" id="pinf" col="0" row="11" column_span="3" colour="profile extra text" alignment="right, centre_y"/>



this is player profile personal details.xml, which is responsible for this part of player profile screen:

now, what i want to add there under the contract expiry date is info if there is someone interested in buying the player, like this:

note that i made the "Interested" and "None" in paint:)

i figured out what id need to add to that file above, taken from another file.

after small editing it would look like this:

<!-- interested Label-->
<widget class="label" text="Interested" col="1" row="17"/>
<!-- interested -->
<widget class="text" id="intw" col="3" row="17" auto_size="vertical"/>

but the problem is it isnt showing there, my guess was its either out of bonds of the table or its just covered by something else.

so, tl;dr is there some site that explains step by step things like that? or is there anyone browsing this forums that knows this stuff?

apologies for long post and thanks in advance

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 04:46 AM ----------

plz tell me how u changed the writing around the polygon where it has mental defending psyichal all i wanna know is how u made it so each label has a different colour plz explain to me as im making a skin and its almost finished stuck on the match commentary bar
I don't think you can add it to that screen as I think the information is only made available on the 'transfer' screen.
i didnt change it, that is part of onepiece skin, the file you wanna look at being player profile attribute analyser.xml, unpacked from panels.fmf with resource archiver

my thing is i want to add custom row to the player info screen that you see when you click on one,. the row being info if there are clubs interested in buying or loaning the player, as i pointed on the screenshot
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