
Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score


..."There are many things people want in life; fame, fortune and love to name but a few things. But what you need is more important, and as a footballer, you need to give 100% and do everything for the fans, because they are the ones who pay for your wants.
///In my club, I dont look for individual stars, I dont want that, my star player is the team. 11 lads working hard to get a result for themselves, the club and most importantly the fans. Its going to be a long journey here at Pescara, considering they have only just been promoted, but if everyone plays a part, I can see big things happening at this club."

- Jordan Rollinson, Pescara Manager.

Pescara Announce Rollinson As Manager


The press gathered today around the Stadio Adriatico after Pescara chairman Daniele Sebastiani announced the club had hired new manager Jordan Rollinson. The ex-England international had spells at Liverpool and Brighton, but is also known in Italy after his 2 year say at Inter Milan. Rollinson was looking for an opportunity to go into management, and has an excellent opportunity here at Pescara. The appointment seems to be met very well by players and fans alike.

Twitter Comments

@VladiWeiss: Cant wait to meet our new manager. Hopefully as good a manager as he was a player! #Exciting times

@Luc0naz: Daniele Sebastiani has made an excellent appointment here. Cant wait for the new season

@BigSami: Was great playing with Rollinson at #LFC Wish him luck at Pescara
Chapter 1: New Faces

...Starting a new job is always hard. The first day is always about learning names and faces. From the big daddies in the board room, to the player, to the staff that make our meals, I went around an introduced myself to them all. I feel its good to have a relationship with everyone at the club, as they all play a part in making the team. Once I had met everyone around the club, it was time for the first meeting with the board.


I was invited into the board room, and found myself in a very luxurious room, with a long table and chairs, with members of the board already in their seats. I took my place in the remaining seat, and prepared for the meeting to start.
.."Welcome to Pescara Jordan!"
Daniele Sebastiani said. "We feel we are about to enter really exciting times here at the club, and we have full faith that you will help us achieve our goals."
..."Thank you Daniele, I am glad you have faith in me. I will be doing all I can to repay the faith you have shown in me."
..."As we have only just been promoted to Serie A, we are going to be realistic. We arent going to ask for miracles, but we full expect the club to still be here come the end of the season. unfortunately we will not be able to offer a transfer budget at the current time due to financial restrictions, but if we have a good season, im sure we will be able to provide a sufficient budget next season."
..."Ok, I believe we can match your expectations, and if not exceed them."
...."Excellent. This is why we decided to hire you. You have real optimism, and we hope that will rub off on the team. We have arranged a press conference for you tomorrow, be here for 10 am if that is ok?"
..."Ok course, that will be no problem."
..,"Great. And lastly I would like to introduce you to Vincenzo Zucchini, our Director of Football. When we are able to offer you a budget, feel free to talk to him and he will help you out with any transfer dealings.
...Does anyone else have anything they would like to add? Otherwise we will wrap this meeting up."
Everyone shook their heads.
And with that, everyone left the board room. The next meeting would be a more enjoyable one for me, talking tactics with the players. I was looking forward to introducing my style of play to the club, and was eager to see the reaction of the players.
Chapter 1.1: Talking Tactics.


...I invited all the players into the meeting room, as they took their seats, ready for my presentation. As I looked around, I could tell there were several excited looking players.
.."First of all, thank you all for coming. I know you would rather be out on the pitch, but it is important for me to get my philosophies across to you all.
...First of all, I want to talk about the style I would like to play. Whist you are all getting used to me and my systems, as well as each other, I want you all to keep things simple. Short and simple passing is what I want from you. Once you get that, you can start add other bits. You may be wondering why this drum kit is here. It is for me to demonstrate what I expect from you."

Boom....Boom....Boom....Boom....Boom....Boom. I hit the bass drum in a constant rhythm.

.."That is what I want your play to be like, consistent, simple. I also want you to be digging away at your opponent, not giving them any time on the ball. Once you have the simple stuff, then you can add more."


..."And once you get that, then you add more, and you have a full song."


..."I want us to make some real music at the club, let make that happen. We must take our time though, keep it simple to start with. In terms of formation, I will be deciding that once I have seen you all train more, and get a feeling of where we are strongest. Whatever the formation though, the philosophy will be the same.
...Ok, that is all I have to say, thanks once again for coming. Lets get out on that training pitch, and show me what you can do!"

Pescara will be my first save when the game comes out, look forward to reading this!
Chapter 1.2: The Hard Work Starts Here


...So now the players know what I want from them its time to drill it into them in training. It also gives me a chance to assess my squad, and work out which areas are strong, and if there is any deadwood I can get rid off to free up some budget.
..I am extremely excited about seeing Gianluca Caprari in action this season. The 19 year old striker has really impressed me in training, and he has a really bright future ahead of him. Im expecting big things from him this season. Vladimir Weiss is another exciting player at the club. The 22 year old winger showed some really exciting play in training, and could play an important role this season. Emmanuel Cascione is also another player who I see being very influential. The defensive midfielder is very solid, and breaks up attacks well.


...We had a mixed pre-season with a few good wins, but also a very poor loss to Serie B team Cittadella. Overall though, I am very pleased with how the pre-season went. We also played our first competitive game in the Italian cup, and had a close shave against Ternana. I feel we are suitable prepared for the coming season now. We face a tough start though, with games against A.C Milan and Juventus.

Yep, very tough start. Hopefully you can something from those games though!
Chapter 2: Tough Beginnings

...So with pre-season over, we were just 1 day away from the opening game of the season against Italian giants A.C Milan. I sat in the hotel and tried to relax the best I could. I flicked the T.V on and found myself watching my favorite non-footballing show, Top Gear. Fortunately, the night passed quickly. I was raring to go, I couldnt wait.


...Our coach arrived outside the San Siro at about 6 o'clock, and the lads made their way to the changing room, and got themselves ready. I was preparing myself for my first team talk, and it was going to be a difficult one.
..."Ok lads gather around. As you know, we have a really tough game here against A.C Milan, but I want you to go out there and play like I taught you. No one is giving us a chance tonight, so go out there and play without any pressure. Remember, simple short passes. They will be attacking most of the time, so keep tight at the back.
Dont be intimidated, and do what you do best.Now go get them!"
...The team made their way out to the pitch, and I took my seat in the dugout. The game kicked off, and things went exactly as I predicted. A.C Milan lauched attack after attack, and they didnt take long to break our resistance. Pazzini got on the score sheet after just 4 minutes, and Pato doubled the lead on 23 minutes. Nocerino then scored a penalty 5 minutes later, and I was really worried A.C Milan would record a cricket scoreline. We managed to pull one back after Abate scored an own goal, and I was glad to get in at half time at just 3-1.


...The lads looked a little down heartened at half time and I had to give them some confidence back. They had played some good stuff when they had possession, but the needed to get hold of the ball more.
..."Despite the scoreline, we have played some really great football guys. Just remember to keep your rhythm. We have nothing too loose now, so lets go and give it our all in the second half! Give them something to think about, and give our fans something to cheer about."
..I sent the team back out, hoping for a better half. I wasnt expecting miracles, but I was hoping for a good performance. We were given a glimmer of hope by Vukusic after 52 minutes, pulling the scoreline back to 3-2. Then the unthinkable happened, Celik got an equalizer. I couldnt believe it! what a comeback. I tried not to get ahead of myself, and made sure the players didnt either. We had 10 minutes left, and I knew A.C Milan would be out to win. But then came the miracle. Modesto scored a complete fluke just 3 minutes later. The fans went absolutely berserk. A.C Milan 3 - 4 Pescara the scoreline read. We managed to hold on until the end. What a start, a win away to A.C Milan!

Remember to watch in HD :)
enjoying the start loved Weiss when he played for Rangers.
Cascione was solid for me in FM12 with Empoli, he had great determination and broke up the play well.

Will be following this, love the italian leagues