Player Dislikes Assistant Manager


Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Not for the first time in any of my saved games, but the latest "News Bulletin" is that one of my players now dislikes my assistant manager!!!

I'm currently Newcastle United, doing extremely well this season and out of the blue Martins has taken a disliking to Tord Grip!!! Has Grip done something to upset him? Not that I'm aware of... so what's his beef then???

Why does this happen, and is there anyway to stop it?
its probs when you let your asistant manager do the press conference thingy and they say something that the player doesnt like or something.

not sure to be honest.
As boring as they are, I do all my own Press Conferences! I also do all my own team talks, and manage all my own friendly's... he has very little involvement in the team, apart from judging players abilities and is one of my tactic coaches!
i have had similar problems but i found that it was because i was letting the assistant do all the conferences. when i switched back to doing my own conferences and making sure i was extremely confident of my team and started winning then the players slowly started getting happier.