I think everybody experienced that certain letdown when you find that little gem in your youth academy, the possible next Messi, Ronaldo, Xavi, etc. - if it wasn't for his ridiculously low physical stats.
For me those tend to always be the hardest parts to train my youth players on, especially strength and/or stamina on offensive players. I'm quite sick of having a player training strength for years only to get him from f.e. 5 to 9 strength with very low progression otherwise.
So what do you do? What is the best way in your oppinion to get his physical stats to a somewhat decent level?
Please keep it to a pure "that's the way I train them" level, so no "hire a higher rated fitness coach" or "upgrade your facilities".
This is what I think (and please correct me if I'm wrong):
-) until 19yrs train them mostly on physical stats + include mentoring off the pitch (to increase their determination, ambition and professionalism which should boost their progression)
-) from 19-23yrs train them on technical + physical stats with focus more on a physical side (physical stats should be at an "usable" level by now) + include mentoring on the pitch (PPM's, maybe a boost to consistancy as well?)
-) from 23-27yrs train them on mental & technical stats, shifting from focus on technical to more mental as player get's older
-) from 27yrs on use them as mentors, enjoy their football or sell them
Just my opinion:
Most of the time you will not be able to keep your youngsters at your club until they retire - unless your club has ~top 5 reputation and/or ridiculous amounts of money to spend, 'cause agents are greedy arses and players are stupid
What I (5* fitness coach, top facilities) do:
-) train lowest of physical stats until 10
-) restart progress until physical stats are at (or almost at) 12 or player is 19yrs old
IF you can, do that by focusing role as from my experience it seems that focus role > focus attribute progression wise.
-) upgrade all training facilities as fast as possible
Basically this sounds good. As I said before, if I'm wrong, please correct me.
Over the last 2 seasons youth progression wasn't really where I would want it to be. For different reasons such as:
1.) My U19 coaches are 3.5-4* (except fitness coaches, 5* for strength & 4,5* for aerobics) - couldn't find better when I started, but that shouldn't affect physical progression much. This will change now as I'm allowed to hire additional coaches - if I can find them.
2.) The league my club plays in doesn't have youth competition.
3.) Competition in my amateur team seems to be not high enough for proper development. I usually put the most promising youth players straight into my amateur team.
4.) My club has 3 feeder clubs of which one doesn't have an active league. The other 2 are in the same league as my amateurs and have worse training facilities than my club. A search for a better feeder club was not successful so far.
Tips to circumvent those drawbacks are very welcome.
For me those tend to always be the hardest parts to train my youth players on, especially strength and/or stamina on offensive players. I'm quite sick of having a player training strength for years only to get him from f.e. 5 to 9 strength with very low progression otherwise.
So what do you do? What is the best way in your oppinion to get his physical stats to a somewhat decent level?
Please keep it to a pure "that's the way I train them" level, so no "hire a higher rated fitness coach" or "upgrade your facilities".
This is what I think (and please correct me if I'm wrong):
-) until 19yrs train them mostly on physical stats + include mentoring off the pitch (to increase their determination, ambition and professionalism which should boost their progression)
-) from 19-23yrs train them on technical + physical stats with focus more on a physical side (physical stats should be at an "usable" level by now) + include mentoring on the pitch (PPM's, maybe a boost to consistancy as well?)
-) from 23-27yrs train them on mental & technical stats, shifting from focus on technical to more mental as player get's older
-) from 27yrs on use them as mentors, enjoy their football or sell them
Just my opinion:
Most of the time you will not be able to keep your youngsters at your club until they retire - unless your club has ~top 5 reputation and/or ridiculous amounts of money to spend, 'cause agents are greedy arses and players are stupid

What I (5* fitness coach, top facilities) do:
-) train lowest of physical stats until 10
-) restart progress until physical stats are at (or almost at) 12 or player is 19yrs old
IF you can, do that by focusing role as from my experience it seems that focus role > focus attribute progression wise.
-) upgrade all training facilities as fast as possible
Basically this sounds good. As I said before, if I'm wrong, please correct me.
Over the last 2 seasons youth progression wasn't really where I would want it to be. For different reasons such as:
1.) My U19 coaches are 3.5-4* (except fitness coaches, 5* for strength & 4,5* for aerobics) - couldn't find better when I started, but that shouldn't affect physical progression much. This will change now as I'm allowed to hire additional coaches - if I can find them.
2.) The league my club plays in doesn't have youth competition.
3.) Competition in my amateur team seems to be not high enough for proper development. I usually put the most promising youth players straight into my amateur team.
4.) My club has 3 feeder clubs of which one doesn't have an active league. The other 2 are in the same league as my amateurs and have worse training facilities than my club. A search for a better feeder club was not successful so far.
Tips to circumvent those drawbacks are very welcome.