Player Stats: Current & Potential Rating


Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everybody,
First of all; apolagies if this is a repost, but ive searched and searched through this forum, but i cannot find anything to help me.

I used the Official FM Editor to make a few of my players the best in the game. However, when i started my game with my edited database, the players stats wheren't how i changed them.
I also used an in-game editor to make the players stats to my desired level again, but again the stats i changed faded again.
I have read that this is because the game does not allow a player with 20 for every attribute, and will tone down some stats if the player is too good.
Can anybody confirm this for me?

I do not want every stat to be 20 - if there is a total number of stat points that any single player can have (i.e. 200, to be shared accross all of his attributes, i can work around it by toning down the stats i do not care about?) Anybody know about this?

Finally, in the ingame editor i am using (FM Real Time Editor), under the players stats in the bottom right corner it lists "Current Rating" and "Potential Rating" - the editor will NOT let me change this stats, for some reason? Can anybody shed some light on these stats? What are they actually? Why cant i change them?

Sorry about the long post - any help would be greatly appreciated!
u get two box's and if u put one on 150 and one on 200 tht should work a think
Well, if you want 20 at every atribute, just replace the number at Current Potential with 200 (the maximum) and the Future Potential with 200 too (or you can leave it the same).
It has to work.

Or if you grow up the players' atributes, you have to modify the Curent Potential and Future Potential too.
Having a player with 200 for CA and PA does not mean they will have 20 stats for everything. The game automatically tunes it down to more realistic stats.
What i want to know is - what is the relationship between the value for Current Ability and the stats of the player? If this makes sense?
There is some kind of equation that is used to determine the players CA from the total sum of all their stats (and vise versa). What is this equation?
