Player Throwing a bit of a fit


Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
So I bought Jonathan Cristaldo for Sporting Lisbon in season 10/11

The kid scored 42 goals next to Liedson - it was outrageous! :D

Next season (with Liedson now 34 and etting injured all the time) i though it ws time to find him a new striking partner. so at the december transfer window i bought Jo from Man City

and Cristaldo who had scored 21 goals in 16 matches - suddenly throws a fit - thinking im trying to replace him. :( :( and doesnt score at all for the rest of the season :( :(

not to help matters, Jo only puts one away every now and again.

whats the trick to get Cristaldo to stop whining - and for Jo to find his feet? :p
I read that Jô plays best as a target man, not tested this myself though, so perhaps that's something to look into. Also with a player ******* and moanin... I can't think of anything but try to interact with him or maybe give him a new contract.
Only worked once before for me, but when I had Giuliano (the brazilian winger) he was getting really unhappy for some reason or another, wouldn't agree to a new contract and playing terrible, so I offered him to clubs for about twice his value a few times.
Off course, no one offered, and after a few weeks his unhappiness switched from general to being ****** about being transfer listed.
So I took him off the transfer list, offered a new contract and he played fantastic for the rest of the season.
yeah i loaned Giuliano too, last season and he's a stroppy one too, but he was playing second fiddle to Barazite (who was on fire)

but this boy Cristaldo says he's unsettled, everyone is on amazing morale - he's nearly suicidal and every match he's complacent.

to make matters worse - when i tried to offer him out to a club - Veloso & Vukcevic went bezerk, and now Cristaldo wont accept a new contract

Sometimes players just don't want to fit in.
Either try to loan him out for the rest of the season, or sign some backroom staff he recommends to you, that usually does the trick for me.
Jo is arguably one of the best Target Men on the game when he get's going. I have played him like this many times and he can single handedly save a team from relegation next season.