players coping with pressure

Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Hi i have a young regan in my arsenal save im currently in my third season and he dosn't seem to be coping with transfer speculation its been happening for about a year know and i thought it would go away but it hasn't.

Ive offered him new contracts which he has accepted as well as puting his asking price up to £40 million. ive also stated that he isnt for sell and he says he dosn't wont to go anywhere but he is still upset.

The clubs that are chasing him are barconla real madrid and man city but none of them have ever put a bid in for him. i dont have many experinced centre backs but i currently have sagna tutoring him on how to approach the game but it dosn't seem to be helping.

So does anyone have any ideas how i can get this transfer stuff to go away becuase its starting to effect his games?

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important first team player, he has said that he wants to stay and has a couple of the arsenal squad in favourite personel as well as me

ive put up a screenshot of his happiness
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transfer speculation doesn't tend to affect players for long, win a few games after he first gets the jitters and all should be back to normal.
transfer speculation doesn't tend to affect players for long, win a few games after he first gets the jitters and all should be back to normal.

its been like this since the end of my second season five months later its still here
keep saying hands off, and if it doesn't change, you treat it as a glitch and "remedy" it in RTE ;)
Happened to me with Lukaku at Wolves, he was constantly getting that and gettiing over it, only to be under pressure again 3 weeks later!! I ended up having to drop him for a few games, he was playing hopelessly, but when he got back into the first team he did ok.
lol nah ive promised myself not to use that only to find regans luckly this guy started of in my youth team first season i just wish hes techinal stats were a bit better
What's his personality? You could be try playing him more, 7 league starts in half a season. He is more than up to it. Eight senior caps at the age of 19 and he looks mentally very strong.
What's his personality? You could be try playing him more, 7 league starts in half a season. He is more than up to it. Eight senior caps at the age of 19 and he looks mentally very strong.

its says his personality is fairly professional i will try to play him but my first choice centre backs are danny wilson and curtis davis and i have johan djoure who im trying to give games to as well.