
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
SO I gave my players an exact corner tactic. Three of them should have been on the keeper(Challenge Keeper) and at none of the corners that happened. They were somewhere near the 6 yard box. Why ? I am playing my team as more expressive and more roaming. Is that the problem ?
That might be the issue. But did you save your game between your change in tactics and the match? I had it once, I changed my tactic right before a game and saved the game to keep the tactic and when i started the match i noticed that the things I changed before weren't changed during the match
I've read somewhere on here that if you set more than two people to the same corner setting, they'll just do their own thing instead. Try changing the third guy to do something else just to see if that's the issue?
I'd question the ability of your set piece taker.

For example, I subbed my original corner take, and the right back took a corner on the left side, and my settings were set so that the ball should be challenged at the far post, yet he drifted in the corner and it went to the player coming short..