
Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
I'm looking for tips and tricks regarding the entire tactically setup based on the opponent.

How do people use the information given by the scouts regarding next opponent?
What do you look for during the match, in order to change things?
How much do you actually alter your team and their roles prior a match?
Any other great tips?

I've played for 6+ years but has always been a simple plug'n'play guy, which I need to move away from...

Hit me with your golden points, thanks!
Wonderful that I decided to misspell the headline, hopefully you get the picture anyways ;)
i use it in different ways to be fair depending on what sort of apponent i remember i played spurs in two leg tie and they didnt have a shot inside the area in the whole 2 legs all i noticed when looking at the squad was that lamela was assisting almost all their goals no one else had more then 2 he was easily double figures and i just pulled my winger back to man mark him as well as my full back so doubled up on him and it worked easy but if im playing someone like stoke crouch up front u no they will just launch it in the box. so i push defence up with a stopper n cover duty to try n keep him away from the box whilst still being able to get any second balls. a speedy striker i might drop deeper and more narrow prevent space to run in to. i always try and have an extra man in midfield if possible so i can almost set him with instruction to almost kill their most dangerous player whilst not losing my creative side unless they play wing backs then i look to overload them down the flanks and make easy 2 on 1