Playing with two Advance Playmakers in Central Midfield


Jul 18, 2010
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I just wanted to ask the tactical experts if playing withtwo advance playmaker support duty can work. I am worried that they will both get forward at the same time and congest the final third. I am playing a 433/451 formation with inside forward on the left and winger on the right wing both with attack duty. My striker is set to complete forwrd attack. I have not changed any of the players instructions for the wingers and striker because I do not fully understand the tactical creator. I will

I Song playing as DMCposition to help protect the back four. I am playing as Arsenal so my currentmidfield pair is Arteta and Ramsey with Song in the DMC position. I havechanged Arteta’s mentality so that it is lower than Ramsey because I want himstay deeper than Ramsey. Arteta is playing him in the MCL position because heseems to be better defensively than Ramsey. My left back set to full backattack so I am hoping that Arteta can help out defensively when my full backgoes forward. Should I set his run from deep to rare so that he can cover forthe left back? Should i change Arteta run from deep to sometimes and if I do what impact will that have on my midfield.

I have left Ramsey’s setting as default because I am notsure how to set him so that he is effective. He is also set to advanceplaymaker - support.

I would like to get some feedback please because I do not fully understand how to set up midfield or how to use the tactic creator at all

On my renovation of Arsenal's 1930's formation- I have a treq and a adv playmaker and they don't congest the midfield, they help keep a lot of possession so its good!
I have got 3 or 4 if you count the Trequartisa (False 9) but a good rule of in a 3 man midfield is tackler, passer and creator. There's and article on ESPN by Michael *** (Zonalmarking) and he talks about 2 types Controling Playmaker (passer) who generally sits deeper and dictates the pattern and tempo of the game which I think is Arteta on your save, Incisive playmaker (creator) is more likely to thrive between the lines and play intricate passes through the opposition defense i.e. Ramsey
You could maybe try one player on CM - Support and the other on AP - Attack to stagger the midfield.