can someone help, i tried to save a skin but messed it all up and now when i load fm07, it freezes just before the start menu, i think i've erased certain bits in the skin when adding the new 1, what can i do?????
ok thanx, ive already reinstalled it and downloaded another skin, the lightning 1, i've unzipped it into the skin folder but when i run fm07, and go to prefrences to chage it over, there is only 1 option, and thats the origanal 1, whys that???
should i erase the origanal skins (flexion and flexion right) so the the new 1 will work or is there something else i need to do, becasue i have unzipped the new 1 into the skin file but when i load up footie manager, and try tp change the skin, it dont give me the option. please help.
would it make a diffrence if the football manager game is a download???
i unzipped it into programme files/sports interactive/football manager 2007/data/skins.
when i go into the folder their is a few icons which are...
flexion (right)
and the new 1 done earlier - lightningskin07
then theirs the zip file which looks like a coloured book and then theirs a
XML document which is 1kb and its called config.
Do I Need To Erase One Of The Other Skins That Was Originaly There Because When I Play The Game And Try To Change The Skin, It Only Gives Me 2 Options Which Are The 2 Origanal Ones ;o(