To reduce the number of duplicate postings please consider the following recommendations:
Common Problems & Solutions
Having trouble installing downloaded graphics?
Having Problems with Editing?
If a moderator feels your thread is unwarranted, it will be locked or deleted. If you feel a moderator has made an error, please PM them or any other moderator rather than making (another) post about the locked thread.
Thanks, from the FMB Staff! :wub:
- The Search function is located at the head of the page. If you are considering asking a question please use the search facility we have in our forums before asking, just in case your question has already been asked and an answer already provided. You can filter to search one or many key words, all forums or just one, key word in topic headers or in body text. These forums have been active for a long time - there is a lot of information hidden in the depths of these pages.
- Then before posting your question, quickly look at the Stickies in the relevant forum - you may be surprised to find your answer.
Common Problems & Solutions
Having trouble installing downloaded graphics?
- If you are asking a non-specific question (eg. Who should I buy for Manchester City?) please look at the FM BASE PLAYERS SECTION first, and then read the Players section on the forum for any similar posts.
- If you would like to request a screenshot of a player please post in THIS THREAD.
- Yes, we've seen it already, Regens can look funny and have no face etc. Please don't make a thread showing us them.
- If you want to know what Players are good for your team please find the relevant thread that's listed in HERE. If there is no thread for the team you need help for then you can create one.
- Not sure what sort of tactic best suits the players you have? Then ask for advice in HERE.
Having Problems with Editing?
The editor is located here:- If you installed via CD: C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\Tools\Data Editor
- If you installed via Steam: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Football Manager 2009\Tools\Data Editor
Want to know how to create your own club with the editor?- How to create a custom Database using the Editor:
If a moderator feels your thread is unwarranted, it will be locked or deleted. If you feel a moderator has made an error, please PM them or any other moderator rather than making (another) post about the locked thread.
Thanks, from the FMB Staff! :wub: