Pokemon Music Video


Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
i nearly fell off my chair when i saw this the first time,

Terrible. They are just 2 'tards doing what they do best. The fact that the lad has a pikachu doll and a pokedex and not a baseball bat kind of says something about him.

I also watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video on their site. It's just as bad but i have to hand it to them that there were actuall 2 funny bits in it, when the song says:

- "Donatello does machines" - Lad ******** a washing machine.
- "When the Evil Shredder attacks" there is a paper shredder shredding some paper. :)

The site is smosh.com by the way.
hahhahahaah going find, i agree with sean, two tards doing what their best at. stil quite funny.
Thats just completely retarded. I want and Anthonymon tho :(
ive got the **** pokemon song in my head...grrr

found this...whats ur pokename ! >_>


You live in the arctic wastes of Alaska, and your diet consists mostly of TV dinners, insects and beer.
(Combat and Non-combat)
You can spit broken glass. You have bionic implants. You can throw slime. You can eat lava. You can breathe acid. You can shoot maple syrup. You have a song in your heart. You can swim in Mr. PiBB. You can walk on Dr. Pepper.
Natural Enemies
Your natural enemy is Snakerino.
Your Pokéname is:
You live in the humid rainforests of Libya, and your diet consists mostly of bats, insects and Dr. Pepper.
(Combat and Non-combat)
You can breathe hot death. You can throw fire. You can eat jet fuel. You can throw cosmic energy bolts. You can resist Mr. PiBB. You can puke rocks. You can puke iron filings.
Natural Enemies
Your natural enemy is Starlock.
Class find,Idiots yes but it's fun to laugh at them.
Your Pokéname is:
You live in the blazing deserts of the Congo, and your diet consists mostly of insects, twigs and wine.
(Combat and Non-combat)
You can throw salt spikes. You can swim in Dr. Pepper. You have a magic chest of hats. You can eat rocks. You can shoot bricks. You can shoot ice bolts. You can breathe electricity.
Natural Enemies
Your natural enemy is Vultle.

The Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle one is the best though...
Lmao very good find there Darren what losers do that! lol