very frustrated
first of all,i would like to say that i am a huge fan of manager,and i've been playing it for quite a long time...but,i cant understand some idiotic things that happen during the match...i am playing with arsenal,and since season started,i had a 10 or more matches won,and no lose,team played superbly...suddenly,chelsea beat me on home ground,and everything,i can't even beat stoke at strikers dissapeared (cavani,walcott - who scored 32 goals 2y ago,now scored 2 goals in like a year and a half,and rossi,who scored 5 goals in first 3 matches,and then off course dissapeared,and rooney signed for my club,but he's playing like an amateur)...and my favourite thing in manager is the almighty goalkeepers on the opposing goal...they have special powers,and walcott cant even score from 5 meters,'cause its not realistic,i guess....not to mention 3 or more goalposts my players hit in almost every match!? i think it is all so artificial in order for game to be more interesting,and it actually is not,when those things happen! although,i know that eventualy i am going to win league,still it is very frustrating,and i cant stand these if anyone has some sugestion,i would really appreciate it...and sory for bothering you!