Post your real life fustrations!

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I hate when people can't distinguish between there, their and they're

simple, basic English language that is too difficult for our illiterate minds...
I hate when people can't distinguish between there, their and they're

simple, basic English language that is too difficult for our illiterate minds...

Should be using a full stop and a capital letter here mate.

I hate when people can't distinguish between there, their and they're. Simple, basic English language that is too difficult for our illiterate minds...

Broke up with my ex recently and she's been hounding on on Facebook about how I'm such a **** to her friends and then says that she thinks I hate her?

!!!Attention seeking **** alert!!!

Oh well, with FM as my ***** what could possibly go wrong :)
Should be using a full stop and a capital letter here mate.

I hate when people can't distinguish between there, their and they're. Simple, basic English language that is too difficult for our illiterate minds...


Well done... :p
I hate that us Londerners don't have snow and still go school and nearly every kid that lives in UK doesn't :(

Also why has cussing Aackbar stopped?
I'm frustrated at how old I am compared to everyone here, everyone talking about school which I left..erm...11 years ago! :'(
I'm frustrated at how old I am compared to everyone here, everyone talking about school which I left..erm...11 years ago! :'(

Your not too far off.

I'd say the average age range is 13-23
I'm frustrated at how old I am compared to everyone here, everyone talking about school which I left..erm...11 years ago! :'(

i know, i feel so very very old at the moment.
and you know what ****** me off, the weather in manchester.
we had snow then it sorted of half melted and is basically ice everywhere
When you pay extra for 'before 1pm delivery' on something from amazon and it gets to 6pm and it still hasn't arrived!
The fact that the snow has stopped even though the news has promised 10-20cm more tonight, it'd better carry on snowing!
Annoys me on this site when certain people post on every thread, even though the answer has been given 4 times in the 5 replies, they just decide to repeat the answer, almost for the sake of racking up posts
Annoys me on this site when certain people post on every thread, even though the answer has been given 4 times in the 5 replies, they just decide to repeat the answer, almost for the sake of racking up posts

Oh another thing that ****** me off.
I'm currently in my potions year and my school tell me it's compulsory to do a half GSCE for P.E.
Firstly, we would only get an hour to do it so really, 15 mins to get changed and another 15 mins to change back, how the **** can we do in P.E.
Secondly, instead of wasting an hour on school times for a ******* P.E GCSE, which I will never use I could be doing a GCSE which I would use.

I thought you was a student at hogwarts when you wrote that XD
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