Potential Ability vs Potential Rating , which is the best criterium to search?


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I was searching for some good youngsters in Genie scout and back ago in previous games i searched regens with potential like +175 but now i search ones that have 70% potential rating , because its of 100 how good the player could be , i was saying which i would trust because :

I founded some players with +70% potential rating and my scout said in ones that have the potential to be star championship players , and i saw a lot of players that have great potential but like 60-68% potential rating , so , could you explain me and tell me in which i have to rely on?
How about you don't cheat by using GS, make do with the scouts you have and use a bit of trial and error...
How about you don't cheat by using GS, make do with the scouts you have and use a bit of trial and error...

Why are you trying to tell him how to play? If he wants to use Genie Scout then he should. He paid for the game so he should be able to play it any way he likes.

And in response to OP: from what I remember with Genie Scout, the percentage is a better number to go off of because it takes hidden abilities such as professionalism and ambition into account. Those stats affect how fast a player develops, so a player with 190 PA and 20 professionalism and ambition would have a higher potential percentage than a guy with 190 PA and 10 professionalism and ambition. I may be wrong but that's what I remember from the FM11 version of Genie Scout.
Why are you trying to tell him how to play? If he wants to use Genie Scout then he should. He paid for the game so he should be able to play it any way he likes.

And in response to OP: from what I remember with Genie Scout, the percentage is a better number to go off of because it takes hidden abilities such as professionalism and ambition into account. Those stats affect how fast a player develops, so a player with 190 PA and 20 professionalism and ambition would have a higher potential percentage than a guy with 190 PA and 10 professionalism and ambition. I may be wrong but that's what I remember from the FM11 version of Genie Scout.

Agreed. Percentage would be the value to look at. Also, those percentages aren't fixed and will fluctuate with training so even if you think it's low for his PA, if you give him the appropriate training you could see it climb. I use it for guidance in how I develop my players. If the value goes down, then his training needs an adjustment.

Edit: However, this method of training lends itself more to player specialization rather than all-around, or more complete, players.
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