Click the circle item within that box (top right corner) and it should give you options of what to pick.
Have you got a screenshot of what options it offers you?
Definately odd. I know it sounds daft but have you tried changing other boxes to see if they allow you to choose 'report'? It might be worth doing if it sorts the issue and just re-configure your other boxes to show what you want.
No report option in any of the others either. I had a look through the preferences too but i couldn't find anything.
It is the first time I have seen this as an issue, dunno what else to suggest for you.
Not a problem, hopefully someone on here can come up with a solution for you :)
Thanks. Guess Ghana need a new manager now.
My brother and i put Bradford PA and city in the Blue square N/S with some decent players. We are bringing glory back to Bradford!