
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
How exactly does potential (in stars) translate into stats?

This may seem like a retarded question, I know. But the fact is, I found a guy (Julio Furch) that, according to my scout, is utter rubbish. He has one and a half stars potential, and three and a half silver stars CA. He sounds like *****, right? But he has 16 heading, 14 first touch, 13 finishing, 13 anticipation 13 work rate, 17 teamwork, 15 jumping and some other stats, but these are the ones I care about, for now. He's almost 2m tall, so at a glance he could make a good target man. How much do you think he can improve?
The report a scout gives you is only as good as your scout, if your scouts stats are poor (he needs to have good stats in every field down the right hand colum of his profile with the exception of physio) then his judging of players will be too.
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Another of my scouts says 1 star CA 2 stars PA. Still, kind of low. I'll get him anyways and if I get far I'll let you know :p
Stats are better than CA and PA, if the player has the right stats in the right area's then play him! I used to only try and buy players that have the potential to be a leading bla bla bla...

now I buy players who have good stats for the position I play them in! buy him and play him! if he does not do well, sell him, what you got to lose?
Stats are better than CA and PA, if the player has the right stats in the right area's then play him! I used to only try and buy players that have the potential to be a leading bla bla bla...

now I buy players who have good stats for the position I play them in! buy him and play him! if he does not do well, sell him, what you got to lose?

On from what raikan said, a good example is Oscar Cardozo, he actually doesnt have a massive CA/PA but he's an amazing player because his stat setup is almost perfect for a poacher
The thing is he may not be ready for first team play - yet. So I wanted yo know how much improvement that star can get me. I'm sure he'd do a decent job but I have somewhat better players for the position, for now.
1 and a half golden star should mean he can improve most stats by 3 , or depending on ur training some 4 some 1
That's great! This is the player in question. I figure he could be a good target man. I'm not saying world class, but a good one. Anyways, I fired a game with Man U just to give you the best scout report I could to go with the stats pic. The reports are far different with Man U than with my crappy team, most likely because they have good players and I don't :p Anyways, I'm off to bed, thanks for your help, everyone!
By the way, I just realised some of his attributes are randomised, that's a bummer.
i think u can get his dribling finishing over 16, heading 18, 19
but his mentals are a huge issue like his anticipation decisions and composure will hardly go over 10 or won't even reach 10, and also strengh and stamina
1) you need to put him on a vigarous Physical training schedule
2) you need to constantly tutor him starting with Rooney (high determination, team work etc) you can also use Berbatov and Owen
3) his tech stats are somewhat ok at the moment! they will develop naturally (and dont need to develop that much) so rather focus training on physical and tactics, thats it!

loan him out after being tutored by Wayne ( the first time) for 6 months ;)
I used Man U only for the scout (Best scout around :p), I don't play big teams, ever, I'll never learn how to play properly if I do :p Still, I'll start a fresh new save with my good old Arles-Avignon and see what are the best tutors I can get on free transfers.