Premier League in Hawk-Eye trials


Sep 15, 2005
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The Premier League are to test a Hawk-Eye system, which will determine if a ball crosses the goal-line or not, with a view to using it in matches.

Paul Hawkins invented a system used in cricket and tennis for key decisions.

He told BBC Five Live Sport: "We have a contract with the Premier League to develop a system.

"It is purely to resolve the dispute about whether the ball has crossed the goal-line and purely for the referees and not for television."

He added: "The process is to be evaluated firstly by the Premier League and then Fifa.

"If we jump those hurdles then there will be a slow role of trialling it in matches and, hopefully, with the end game of it being in all the Premier League grounds."

I don't understand why it shouldn't be used for TV, I enjoy the hawk eyey analysis on the cricket and it could be used for football aswell.
maybe just an attempt to keep the was it is or wasnt it arguments going.
maybe just an attempt to keep the was it is or wasnt it arguments going.

But the referee will know instantly if it crossed the line so he will make a decision and you will then know that it was or wasn't over the line.:rolleyes:
I don't understand why it shouldn't be used for TV, I enjoy the hawk eyey analysis on the cricket and it could be used for football aswell.

you enjoy cricket!