Pressing with deeper defensive line?!


Feb 23, 2018
Reaction score
Hey Guys, Im new to this game...

Ive noticed some people effectively using strategies with a slightly deeper/deep defensive line and pressing much more with preventing Gk distribution settings.

Can somebody explain to me how this should work in real life? Wouldnt there be big gaps?
With the Strikers pressing aggressively, but the rest of the team sitting deep, wouldnt there be gaps in the midfield area allowing the opposing team to escape the pressing?
If the midfield players pressed high too, with only the defensive line sitting deep there would again be gaps between mf and df for the opponent to exploit, or not?

So can aggressive pressing work without a high defensive line?
Would be thankful for a tactical explanation!:)
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If you see that, you'll see it on the TI screen. On the TI screen, you're only tweaking the defaults, so you'd be tweaking the line to be a little deeper than it is by default for the Mentality and you'll be tweaking the pressing to be more than the default for the Mentality.

So, it's not necessarily heavy pressing with a deep line. It's just more pressing with a deeper line than is the default.
Thanks!:) One more question: I have my settings on much more and high defensive line with preventing GK. But Somehow the pressing doesnt seem to work, the players dont aggressively swarm/attack/harass opponent players. So theyre usually not under pressure and have the time to make accurate passes. Is that normal?
Ive seen some players adding the instruction for every single opponent player to be closed down, always. Is that changing something when I have the TI instruction on closing down more/much more already?
Thanks in advance!
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I have my settings on much more and high defensive line with preventing GK. But Somehow the pressing doesnt seem to work, the players dont aggressively swarm/attack/harass opponent players. So theyre usually not under pressure and have the time to make accurate passes. Is that normal?
The question is vague as (as I said) Mentalities have their own defaults. You'll see more pressing with a higher line with Standard than Defensive but even more with Attacking compared to Standard, for instance.

Then there are roles like the Anchor Man, who isn't supposed to close down much, so he'll close down less than the players around him.

Ive seen some players adding the instruction for every single opponent player to be closed down, always. Is that changing something when I have the TI instruction on closing down more/much more already?
Thanks in advance!
Recently, they used to "stack", so you'd press more with OIs adding to the TI, but I don't know if that's the case still.
Hey Guys, Im new to this game...

Ive noticed some people effectively using strategies with a slightly deeper/deep defensive line and pressing much more with preventing Gk distribution settings.

Can somebody explain to me how this should work in real life? Wouldnt there be big gaps?
With the Strikers pressing aggressively, but the rest of the team sitting deep, wouldnt there be gaps in the midfield area allowing the opposing team to escape the pressing?
If the midfield players pressed high too, with only the defensive line sitting deep there would again be gaps between mf and df for the opponent to exploit, or not?

So can aggressive pressing work without a high defensive line?
Would be thankful for a tactical explanation!:)

You asked how it should work in real life... so my answer is that football manager game is wayyyyyyyyyyy far from real life tactics... and i mean there is one thing is missing entirely is transitions! Transistions how team in a group acting from defense to ofense and reverse... there is very common thing when in football team like barca or juve in past defending like 442 and when they get the ball straight in attack they transform in 433 or smth like that... in real life football there is much more thing then just "formation" and attacking or defensive mentality... i hope one day like in FM 2022 we will have the oportunity to set tactics in new way ;)