
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Need some advice.

Just been promoted to Premier League after back to back promotions from League Two with Exeter City, coming into 4th season. The last promotion was very unexpected but we hit serious form and forced our way up to second when it counted!

The squad is considerably weaker than most, lots of players I would say are league one/two standard still.

Question is: How should I spend my £25m? Would you aim to improve the spine of the team, or just fix the weak spots and hope the current spine is good enough?
Need some advice.

Just been promoted to Premier League after back to back promotions from League Two with Exeter City, coming into 4th season. The last promotion was very unexpected but we hit serious form and forced our way up to second when it counted!

The squad is considerably weaker than most, lots of players I would say are league one/two standard still.

Question is: How should I spend my £25m? Would you aim to improve the spine of the team, or just fix the weak spots and hope the current spine is good enough?

For the first season, just improve the weak spots. Give your players a chance. You won't be competing for the title in the first season anyways. After that you will have a fair idea of how your players are performing in the top division and that will help you make a more informed decision.
I think you should use the loan market, and use the transfer budget on a couple of impact players. By impact players, I mean players who can change a game with their brilliance eg a top goalkeeper can help to avoid conceding late equalisers and might bring valuable league points. Similarly, a top striker may be the difference between a draw and a win.
Ok cheers guys solid advice. Generally what I was thinking just wanted some confirmation.