puttin a class player in a conference team


Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
ok so bored and want to put a very good internetional player in the worst team in the league...but my question would you want that 1 world class player to be in

i think defence would be the biggest waste, there is reasons for and against the players being a world class keeper imo. a strong foundation but i dodnt think he would make that much of a difference, am i wrong?
anyway suggestions for position and player

im gonna loan whoever the player is and see can they single handly get me to prem.
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midfield - box to box midfielder

because he will be all around the pitch - also he will not sign a new contract
gonna loan him man. so like steven gerrard mayb? bit old for a 5 yr game tho he wont be good by the time in in championship

gerrard and cech r on ym shortlist
Striker. They would outscore the rest of the league.
Definitely not striker, as at that level he won't get the service. Maybe an AMC but set player instructions to run with ball often and run with deep often. Someone like Messi....
ST - Set to deep lying playmaker. Someone like Tevez who is equally good at build up play, dribbling and scoring would be perfect. Set him to target man and to feet.

Striker definetely, get a decent pair of wingers to provide him! - Rooney?
Get Messi and let him solo the league.
just stick messi in and stop making the descision so over complecated
I did this once. Went into administration because I messed up when editing that teams finances.

Go with the striker. Just out score the rest of the league because the rest of your team should be good enough to play at a Conference level.